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Postat: 18 mart. 2012 la 6:49
Actualizat: 31 dec. 2015 la 6:03

This game has evolved quite a lot since I started playing it. It began as an amazing introduction to the fps genre and pc gaming in general for me since it can run on pretty much anything with a graphicscard. So just that makes it decent however TF2 is way more than that. It includes hundreds if not thousands of different playstyles in which different wepaons can be used to change the way you play the game entirely without making the game completely inbalanced. It feattures various gamemodes including 1v1, 12v12 capture the falg, 12,12 attack and defence and coop. And many more community made gamemodes which all can be experinced for free. So if you want to be introduced to pcgaming but doesn't have the most amazing computer or won't spend any money on games then play this and you wil be lost in the pc gaming universe forever.
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🌊Tempest 5 aug. 2013 la 5:04 
Jep :D