Laval K.
Hey all,

My name is Laval, but you can call me _Murse_Dreadd_

I'm a bot on the grind to become a better player with every session, learning from mistakes that I've made in previous sessions. I'm no professional gamer, but I definitely consider myself a gamer. I've been playing FPS since 2007 with my background heavily stemming from COD. Got tired of the direction they were going so I've been playing APEX Legends since week 3 on XBox and have recently built my first PC and converted to the sweaty side. I enjoy challenging myself, so this has been an amazing experience so far. I don't play as much as I wish I could due to the long and rotating shifts of being a Nur... Murse (Male Nurse). As well as the fact that I am raising 3 amazing humans, and am furthering my education to become a Critical Care Nurse Practitioner so my time is pretty limited. But whenever I can catch any free time, you can definitely find me online.

I look forward to playing with and learning from all of you in the gaming community.

Lets keep it fun, non-toxic, and energetic!!

I'll see yinz in the trenches
Currently Online