"As you gingerly pack the rotting appendage in your backpack, you have occasion to wonder – not for the first time on this journey – 'what in the Void am I doing?' "

"French sociologist Roger Caillois uses the term "alea" to designate those games which rely on luck rather than skill."

"The history of video games started in a small Norwegian village during the 1680s, when a precocious young fisherman named Billy "SadPanda42" Jackson created Call of Duty 3 out of sticks and moxie. Strictly speaking, parts of that sentence are not true, but I'm told that every book about video games has to have a section up front on the history of the medium."
~Jamie Madigan, Getting Gamers: The Psychology of Video Games and their Impact on the People who Play Them

"May the sun kiss your neck and burn the eyes of your enemies."
~ Bighli Satherdown

Apart from _AK47 you might find me as Melbara in some games.
Miksn 10 Oct, 2018 @ 12:16pm 
Overwatch... Good times :)
Franz G. 19 Dec, 2014 @ 4:09pm 
oh...... HI :smile:
Jhin 2 Jul, 2013 @ 11:16pm 
How do you afford so many games?
Cthulhu 💀🎺 3 Jan, 2013 @ 4:35pm 
I had a dream that i was blind and started to panic. But then i realized i just hadn't fallen asleep yet.
Knight 12 Aug, 2011 @ 8:25am 
Rizzler 28 Jun, 2011 @ 2:05pm 
hey _AK47 how old are you?.....really?