Just an Enthusiast with an occasional sour taste for Horror and other stuff...
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100 Hours played

I know... if you are reading this you are probably thinking about buying this game, you are an avid RPG player.

Outward looks so appealing to you but you are not sure if it will fulfill all you want in an Open World RPG Survival game and most of all, you are scared of the "Souls-like" tag right there! You love roleplaying, you love survival, you love immersion, you love huge diversity of items, places, enemies and also a good and FAIR challenge...

I started playing Outward very recently (some people could state that I don't know the game very well) however I will still try my best to convince you that: yes, this game might be for you!

1) About the Difficulty:

Ok, the game is difficult alright! But I wouldn't say that this is a "Souls-like" difficulty! The beginning is really harsh, you will be overwhelmed by most enemies outside the gates but seriously, if you have played other "old school" RPGs like Risen and Gothic, you will probably know that you never start a game killing demons and dragons... everything demands a preparation and planning, Outward is on that category.

Even Skyrim, for example, if you play in Legendary Difficulty and go outside with a weak armor, you will be killed by a mere Giant Mudcrab! You will realize that "Ok, I need to prepare. I need better gear, maybe some skills/perks and potions".

Dying in Outward doesn't mean you lose the game (unless you play in Hardcore), you will wake up in a different location and the outcomes of your death depends on the circumstances of your defeat. If you are killed by Hyenas you will wake up in their Nest, if you die by bandits you wake up on their Camp and so on... that much I already learned! Hyenas won't steal your gear but bandits might do so! You can recover all your lost items usually in the place where you wake up.

If you can't find your backpack next to you, just look around and you might find your items on a chest... you can consult the Outward wiki, this mechanic is very complex but at least, I hope you understood that the game is not really difficult, its not unfair, it just demands that you prepare for things!

I find games like Conan Exiles way harder than Outward and that "Souls-like" tag is misplaced, in my honest opinion.

2) About the Survival:

Being brief... its a standard survival mechanic. Hunger, Thirst and Sleep, they do affect your stats with buffs and debuffs depending on your conditions but its nothing really complex. There are diseases in this game, so far I didn't got any trouble with that but I already noticed that there are concoctions that heal you and apparently some diseases can be cured by sleeping and keeping yourself well-nourished.

3) About the Roleplaying:

There is a Character Creation and Customization Interface but nothing too much detailed.

You are pretty much free to do whatever you want. Some places are restricted to be accessed only after quests but overall, you can go anywhere you want. So far, I've been farming Silver to build my strenght the best I can! Right now I am roleplaying as a fisherman, because I've realized that some fish can be sold by a good price and I am slowly getting a good gear to become an adventurer and later on, maybe join a Faction which I am not sure right now... maybe the Holy Faction!

The game constantly reminds you that you are not a hero, rather, you are just a commoner supposed to find your place in a harsh world and at the very beginning you will learn that. When you go out of your house, there will be a mob demanding you to pay lots of money in compensation of the bad deeds made by your grandmother, in the world of Outward, the descendants must pay for the mistakes of their ancestors and that is just the beginning of a whole world of unforgiveness!

4) Hints:

Well, so far I can tell you that Fishing is a good and safe option to farm Silver, your only expense is a Harpoon.

My gameplay improved a lot after I bought a Flintlock from the merchant at the gates. I suppose you could use a bow to kill enemies from high-ground but at least for me, it was not a good strategy...

Bandages and Rags helps a lot!

Invest in Weapons with high Impact value, they are better to stagger enemies and helps you to hit more times!

So far, this is all I can say...

5) How this game could improve:

What I am mostly missing here is a Workshop. Outward does have a Modding Community and you can find some pretty interesting mods in Nexus, however, I would still enjoy more if we could have a Steam Workshop for Outward!

It could help engage more people in the Modding scene.

So far, this is all I have to say about Outward (I'll update this Review if needed).

Again, do not be afraid to play this game! Its not as difficult as it portrays itself and its not unfair as some negative reviews says! Just be open-minded and have patience!!
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