Игровое время за последние 2 недели:

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Получено 3 из 50 (6%) достижений:
Личные достижения

King Mantis

Defeat King Mantis
Дата получения: 2 дек. 2024 г. в 14:59

Spore Dragon

Defeat Spore Dragon
Дата получения: 6 дек. 2024 г. в 10:19


Defeat Lizardman
Дата получения: 6 дек. 2024 г. в 17:40

Lead the way, Bugsy!

Beat the Game

Within a Cicada's Lifetime

Beat the game within 4 hours of playtime

Within a Butterfly's Lifetime

Beat the game within 3 hours of playtime

Within a Mayfly's Lifetime

Beat the game within 2 hours of playtime

Halfway Clean

Achieve 50% item completion

Golden Collector

Collect 50 golden bee tokens

Golden Enthusiast

Collect 75 golden bee tokens

Golden Obsession

Collect all 100 golden bee tokens

Fly on the Wall

Fill out 100% of the Map

Combo Bug

Achieve a total combo of 50 or higher

Combo Junky

Achieve a total combo of 100 or higher

Combo Artist

Achieve a total combo of 150 or higher

Dragonflies Can Combo Too

Use a dragonfly to kill 5 enemies in a row

Greedy Bug

Carry 999 leaves at once

Master Adventurer

YOU DID IT! All Achievements Completed!

Скрытых достижений осталось: 32

Информация о каждом достижении будет доступна после его получения