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5.6 hrs on record
This was great.

The environments were astonishingly beautiful and made me feel like I was right back in the mix at Aperture. The puzzles were at that perfect difficulty where you get in and go "Ok, I have no idea what I'm doing" but then after 5 minutes of feeling like a bumbling idiot everything clicks and you feel like a genius. Its perfect. The new elements like the Quantum Laser Cubes and the Wind Pipes were really fun to play with. If Valve were to make a Portal 3, these are the type of gameplay innovations I'd want to see, small in scope but vastly interesting.

As with the other Portal fan mods, they can't really mess with the canon all that much, and therefore have to make up new characters and plot elements. Revolution did a very good job with the few characters you meet and the various story elements you explore. Overall a really good experience that I recommend every Portal fan give a go.

The one thing I had issue with is the ending:
It felt very abrupt and rather unsatisfying. Until I got to the post credits scene I didn't even understand what had happened. I wish the two protagonists had a better outcome.

(Don't read this next part if you haven't completed the mod)
If I were to write the ending, I would have the Spire teleport itself outside of Aperture to the surface. Then, have the player wake up and see the Portal Gun damaged beyond repair. The female core calls to you and you walk super slowly over to her. She comments how "You don't look too good. Do you think you can pick me up?" You pick up the core and walk over to a broken door. You step out into nature with your vision starting to blur and fade. The core spins to look ahead and says "Oh my, I think that's a city on the horizon! Do you think there's other people out there?" You character then collapses to the ground and drops the core. Muffled, you hear the core begging you to stay awake, before it fades to black.

This would give an equally vague ending with the hope that they did make it out, rather than the kinda depressing ending that it has now.
Posted 11 January, 2024.
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63.9 hrs on record (31.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is a gem. With an array of amazing features that have come and gone from other franchises it seems to pull the best from everywhere, making it a complete experience with fluid gameplay and minimal technical issues. (Something astonishing considering the scale of gameplay and the tiny development team. Its snappy, fun and hilarious to play when you embrace local VOIP and play with friends. Overall, a genuinely enjoyable experience worth the price tag.

But you've heard that before. Everyone's raving about this game. (and rightfully so) However in this review, I wanted to provide feedback on some more frustrating elements, simply because I like thinking about games and game development. I don't want any of this to dissuade a potential buyer though, the game has many more things to praise than this list of criticisms.

Classes - 6 but actually 2.5
The class balance in this game is... laughable. It is marketed as having 6 distinct classes but realistically plays as: Medic, Engineer, and Sniper. The other "options" are Leader, Assault and Support. Each class does have a role that is supposed to fill, but everything can be accomplished with either a Medic or Engineer kit. The only reason I consider sniper to be the ".5" kit, is that it is the only class with extreme long-range capabilities (that are extremely fun) and therefore distinct from Medic/Engineer. Leader is a lesser clone of Assault, and Assault has an interesting design philosophy, but is ultimately out-classed by the others. Its supposed to be the selfish class, focused on personal performance rather than teamplay but ends up being just underwhelming. Support is interesting, but only in that it has ammo and Exo armor. Resupplying ammo is rarely useful in most circumstances as you respawn with full mags, and the armor is a can of worms I will open in a following section.

Armored Vehicles - HA HA HA HA HA
I have a bias towards armored vics, from gun trucks, tanks and IFVs, my bread and butter is steel and gasoline. However, vehicles in this game are transport at best and death traps otherwise. Relating to my previous point about class balance, every kit in the game is capable of carrying enough C4 to one-shot a full health Tank. That means there are (up-to) 127 players on the enemy team who can make your steel beast feel like a paper toy. Your only reasonable option as a vehicle player is to sit as far away from the action as possible, farm kills from range and run at the slightest sign of focus from infantry. I've gotten 60 kill games with a BTR-82. It was not engaging vehicle gameplay.

Armor - The Inconsistency is frustrating.
Cosmetic choices on your character affect gameplay. When I discovered this I was appalled, but found some solace in that there is no Pay-to-Win-ness about this system. Nevertheless, lighter armor affects speed and gadget carrying capacity, and heavier armor will slow you and provide protection. This sounds neat in theory but in practice it means every enemy you fire at has a different time-to-kill. They may take three shots or six, or anywhere in-between as there is 5 levels of armor! (None > Light > Normal > Heavy > Exo (Support-Only)) This is highly detrimental to building muscle memory regarding switching targets mid-spray. Additionally, this locks cosmetic options behind a gameplay barrier. I want to have head protection, but I also want my badass engineer character to wear a cap and headset, something that is not an option in the current version of the game. In my opinion the game would be far better off abandoning the character-gear attributes and reducing armor levels from 5 to simply Unarmored and Armored.

Lighting (Not the graphics)
I can appreciate the art style. It allows for a wide-range of hardware, and incredibly fast development cycle and affords the ability to focus on gameplay and mechanics over visual fidelity. However, I can't help but wish that setting the lighting to "Ultra" in the game settings genuinely made the lighting "Ultra." The lighting is flat and simple, lacking shadows, complex effects and pretty much any kind of fidelity. Again, I understand this is a deliberate choice, and frankly a smart one, but I'd love to see large scale battles rendered with lighting better than what I could do with a GameCube. Hopefully one day, there is an option for more delicious rays.

Overall, none of these critiques will stop me from playing the game. It truly is too good to put down at the moment. I hope that the Dev team hires some more people and continues making this an exceptional experience. I wish them the best and look forward to what this beautiful, blocky game can be.
Posted 24 June, 2023.
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62.5 hrs on record (52.7 hrs at review time)
Its 2007.

You and some buddies know what night it is. Pizza, 2 liters, and LAN gaming. You only have the one disc, but that's okay because you can put the disk in one PC, boot up the game and then eject it and put it in the next PC.

You pick Huns, because building houses sucks balls. You throw some AI bots in just for someone to bully, but the victory condition is set to Last Man Standing, so in the end, blood will be shed. After 3 hours, you're getting obliterated by 40 Cavaliers, but honestly you're ready for it to be over anyway. The fun was had and you're glad to have such good buddies.

Now, its 15 years later. Its been awhile, but you've got an itch that needs scratching, and your buddies feel it too. There's newer sequels with better graphics, but its the nostalgia you crave. Those old pixel graphics. The stuttery animations. There is nothing that compares. You boot it up to that old low quality cinematic. You pick Huns, the perfect civilization. You tell your villagers to chop down a whole forest. "Motechung!" Soon, you're getting your asses handed to you by the AI, but it doesn't matter. Everyone's having a blast regardless. Its just like the old days. Its perfect.

"Wololo brothers." You say as your Town Center falls. It was a good game.

Next weekend, you boot it up once more, you hop in a voice call with the boys. You spam 14 in the lobby chat.

Posted 13 June, 2023.
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39.9 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
Its a classic Ubisoft openworld third person game. Assassins Creed, Ghost Recon Wildlands, etc. They're all pretty much the same, so if you like those, you'll like this.

This game at least has a really interesting premise and some fun art, dialogue and missions.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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12.4 hrs on record
Really fun, relaxed strategy game, but lacks replayability for me.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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111.1 hrs on record
This poor legend of a game has been neglected by Daddy Valve and left to the wolves to join other Gaming Greats lost to Malice, like its cousin Titanfall 2.

May these masterpieces be remembered for their golden years, and not their downfalls.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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26.9 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
Are you really looking at reviews? For Portal 2? As if something here is going tell you "Oh yeah this game is actually garbage despite a decade of people considering it one of the greatest puzzle-comedy games out there.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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5.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Its fun if you've got some friends to play around with, but its not that scary and most of the time you're just pretty bored until you die or get all the clues.

If the ghosts did more to affect the levels, such as opening doors, knocking things over, crying in rooms etc, it would be a lot more terrifying and immersive, but they're all kinda flat and don't show up unless their trying to kill someone.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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44.3 hrs on record (44.2 hrs at review time)
The story isn't interesting and the world is pretty boring, but building your rides to fit the niche events like Off-Roads, or Drift Trials is pretty damn fun. Fun Vehicle physics too.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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4.2 hrs on record
Chill game to relax to, keep your mind busy while watching something on the other monitor or to just kill-time. Fun, but not a whole lot of depth.
Posted 4 June, 2022.
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