Nicolás Tapia J.   Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile


- Favorite Bands:

Iron Maiden - Secret Sphere - Pearl Jam - Alter Bridge
Delta - FireWind - Paul Gilbert - Mr. Big - Alice in Chains
Labyrinth - Iced Earth - Helloween - Pagan's Mind
Hibria - Rush - Gamma Ray - Evergrey - Avenged Sevenfold

- Guitarrist:

Guitar: Ibanez Rg370dxl
Amp: Ibanez Tone Blaster 15W
Pedal: Multiefect Korg AX1500G

- Games

.- Battlefield Franchise Player :

Battlefield 1942: Lagartowars
Battlefield 2: Niko.cl [ http://www.bf2stats.net/player/110437377/ ]
Battlefield Bad Company 2: Zerlek [ http://bfbcs.com/stats_pc/Zerlek ]

.- Conduction Games [Retired]:

Need For Speed 3, Most Wanted y Carbon.
Dirt 1, 2 and 3.

.- Other Shooter Games:

Counter Strike Source.
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare: Zerlek, Niko.cl, Kontr4.
Call Of Duty Black Ops.
Medal of Honor: Zerlek [ http://mohstats.com/stats_pc/Zerlek ]
Team Fortress 2.


GabineteThermaltake Aguila - Fuente de poder TOPOWER M2 600W ATX -
Gigabyte GA-MA770-UD3 - Phenom II X2 545 @ x4 B45 AM3 -
Ventilador ZALMAN CNPS9700NT - RAM DDR2 MUSHKIN EM2-5300 2GB Dual Channel -
Shapphire Radeon HD 4890 1GB - LCD/TV LG 32LD650 32" -
Disco Duro SEAGATE 320GB 7200.10 SATA II - Disco Duro Multimedia LG HXF1 500GB
Teclado Razer Lycosa - Mouse Razer DeathAdder
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UBERMENSCH 28 Jun, 2012 @ 11:59pm 
Erwin Rommel 24 Jun, 2012 @ 9:27am