Daniel   Cluj, Romania
UrmotherUrinaPilatesTraine 11月13日 13時13分 
Mishegaz 11月8日 16時22分 
Wasn't ever in that tower, but all you 3 start shooting it huh ;-) too obvious. Recorded and contacted Crytek.
SmogRUS 8月4日 13時13分 
Cel mai bun coechipier noroc pentru tine frate))))
Die gestiefelte Ente 7月26日 6時21分 
what a hero, camping in a cornor to get his kd up
CrystalAbuser2008 7月6日 14時18分 
clapped by a 3 star HAHAHHAHAHAHA
☬T0fu☬ 7月4日 12時14分 
sa imi bag pula in zeama ta