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Recent reviews by Zelaf

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1 person found this review helpful
126.3 hrs on record (103.1 hrs at review time)
Great game that literally hasn't stopped getting better since launch. For some, it might feel a bit sluggish in some ways but if you get past that there's a lot to do, explore and enjoy.
Posted 16 December, 2024.
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68.9 hrs on record (66.9 hrs at review time)
Absolute blast to figure out tactics and procedures with friends. A lot of the recent updates post-early access have really improved performance as well making it very playable on my Steam Deck. Some improvements still necessary for a more optimal experience but still works well.

If you have a few friends to play with or loved the old SWAT games, I heavily recommend picking it up!
Posted 30 November, 2024.
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76.5 hrs on record (54.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Most amazing PvP shooter I've actually enjoyed in years. Every game you find something amazingly hilarious, everything from teammates doing hilarious ♥♥♥♥ or saying hilarious ♥♥♥♥ in the mic or bickering back and forth with enemies when you or they're downed.

The progression system never feels slow and sluggish as there's always something to unlock. The progression system isn't based on how much you play and level up classes but as you level up in general which makes it easier to switch over to other classes if needed.

Absolute gem of a game if you miss the spirit of Battlefield or enjoy large PvP shooters.
Posted 26 November, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
21.9 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
This game is absolutely amazing. Everything from gameplay to the story just fits. It's the VR game with the best graphics I've played to date and the ending was to die for, made me go into tears. If you have a VR setup or even thinking about buying VR get this game immediately.
Posted 25 March, 2020.
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2.8 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)
This game is different. It's not about gameplay in my opinion but more about an experience. You start of-shore next to an island. You walk to that island and then what?

You don't have much to do but walk. But then what made me get 95 minutes of play time? I turned up my volume on my headset and enjoy the audio. What I like about this game is that you open it and you look... You basicly look around and watch the environment around you.

You can find alot of stuff in the randomly generated world. You see statues and stones and you can watch the rain fall down. Or you can find animals jumping around or flying around.

It's really immersive and exciting to play through the first time.

Ontop of that it's calming... You start it up on a stressful day and you relax.

I recommend this game because it's cheap and it's short... That's usually not a good combination but depending on your reasoning to buy this game it can be. Personally I bought it because I needed a game I could relax with. But it's also not worth 19,99€

I opened the game and played a bit and then closed it... I never got to the final "level" before today. It was truly an experience to look at how the game changes while you play. I'm glad I got this game and I will probably load it up more.
Posted 5 July, 2016. Last edited 1 October, 2016.
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7 people found this review helpful
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1.8 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I get the game is in Early Access but there are ALOT of stuff that is... Annoying or stupid.

You jump really weirdly. The world jumping animation is weird too and it feels sluggish and slow.

No running which is obviously a design choice but it feels annoying not to be able too. I have just gotten used too it and I get it can be OP in a game such as this... Still my personal opinion.

Weapons are "out of touch". The sounds are weird and the acuracy is weird and the recoil is weird, I'd take better accuracy for worse recoil and that the recoil is smoothly going up feels strange, it should "bump" up the view per shot. Some of the weaponry sounds are weird too. One of the weapon's firing sounds are bugging my ears.

The classes are pretty cool, I like most of them. I dislike the Sniper class tho, as the sniper itself is not really effective and I'd imagine the sniper class would be one of those classes were people would react "Oh shucks, I got the sniper class...". It should get a heavy buff, maybe the sniper should be way more damaging and have a slow automatic fire. I like the tech class with his turret, The turret is good as it is, Because it takes enough damage to not last forever.

Plant the bomb gamemode I played on a map, after I planted the bomb I sat in the elevator with my turret and my friend and killed some of the zombies blocking our way. After a bit (Maybe 30 seconds or so) I rushed through it all and guess what, I litteraly was 1 second from 0 and jumped onto the exit platform but I failed and the bomb exploded... And we both lost. This pissed me off, The gamemode needs to be tweaked a bit for sure...

My final conclusion is that the game is good for what it is. An "Early Access". The maps feel bland and boring, The classes needs a few tweaks, The weapons need improvment and the gamemode needs tweaking. Do I recommend this game? Yes for the time being it's actually a pretty sweet game for what it is. I know the game is gonna be a great game when it has gotten the necessary tweaks and fixes and is gonna be a great game for playing with your friends!

EDIT: Forgot to mention the spawning of zombies are really weird, especially on the bomb planting mission were you usually just see them spawn here and there. For example on a staircase close too were I were camping to kill zombies and I saw them just spawn there, Spawns should be a bit more hidden for sure.
Posted 7 January, 2016. Last edited 7 January, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
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666.8 hrs on record (247.1 hrs at review time)
This game is truly amazing. I played it so far months in a row. If you are looking for a Space Simulator where you can travel around your own galaxy and trade, shoot and explore in one giant game then buy it right now!

I started of in a Sidewinder like everyone else and I started to do cargo missions. Take this bring it here. Over and over again, untill I could buy a better ship where I then got the Adder. Awesome ship I highly recommend it! Then I continued to do cargo missions and then, I bought a cobra. There I switched from jobs to jobs where I tried out Bounty Hunting and other stuff. But I just stayed with cargo missions.

I then bought a type-7 but I didn't like it alot because I accepted these things called Interdiction where a pirate or some other guy pulls you out of Supercruse to then rob you or something. And then killed them. Got extra cash from that too!

So after that I saved up for a ship called Imperial Clipper which is a ship created for the Empire who sucks! Alliance for the win! Anyhow I then Fitted it out with a worse cargo capacity but better weaponry. I now take small amounts of cargo from one location to the other and then get cash from killing Interdictor's and getting money from the cargo!

Overall! I love this game and you should buy it. There is no story line but yourself and the people around you and the breathing world! Read Galnet News for some news about ingame stuff if you wish too.
Posted 11 November, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
50.5 hrs on record (38.7 hrs at review time)
its too awesome for any words buy it..... BUY IT!!
Posted 6 December, 2013.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries