Hello.   Duarte, California, United States
No longer adding anyone under Steam level 25. Tired of people asking for free games and cards.

Add me only through SteamRep or SourceOP. If I added you, check my item showcase. If you don't see a nice sparkly green community grenade launcher, you don't have the right person. It's 1 of 1 and it will always be there.

Official Middleman @ SteamRep [steamrep.com]
Administrator @ sourceOp forum and servers [forums.sourceop.com]
Community Moderator @ Official Steam Trading Card Group

Don't add me just to ask for free stuff. I will just tell you to get a job/life/clue and block you. If you got banned from the Steam trading card group, you probably deserved it. Talking to me is not going to help you. You need to add one of the admins (Valve Employees) and talk to them.

Don't be offended if you get deleted off my friend's list. I try to keep the number of contacts down to close friends or people whom I've have played with and known for years. Also I get tons of adds per day for various middleman or forum/server issues. I lose track of who's who or probaby thought our business was complete. If you wish to re-add me, feel free to do so at any time. If you wish to keep in contact with me for my middle-man services, please join my middleman group . That way you can just send me a message from the group page.

If you need middleman services, please read the instructions on the group page before adding me. It will help things go a lot smoother for everyone involved in the trade. Thank you.

Currently Offline