Space Monkey máj. 18., 14:55 
Ok no more spunky then :zote:
Chicken BIgMac máj. 18., 13:10 
I miss space monkey...:steamsad:
Space Monkey jan. 26., 14:21 
hi lobter
meow :3 jan. 26., 13:47 
hi zach
Space Monkey jan. 26., 11:54 
hi dawnzy
Chicken BIgMac jan. 21., 23:02 
kay 2023. nov. 8., 20:57 
#1 chum :er_wave:
meow :3 2023. okt. 28., 21:29 
____*******_________******* _____
___***____***____***______*** ___
_***______SORRY FOR_____***_
f 2023. szept. 16., 21:28 
top right r10 on top
white chocolate 2023. júl. 9., 12:17 
dude you got destroyed by me on process, honestly dude you should retire after that loss
meow :3 2023. máj. 13., 10:47 
-rep rust tryhard cheater loser
Space Monkey 2023. márc. 4., 1:06 
this guy gets it
TayFlyV2 2023. márc. 4., 0:51 
If you want your faceit stats to stay positive dont play a game with this dude, he bottom frags and throws.
🤛TF2.BET (Owner) 2023. jan. 28., 5:16 
nice duel we want you for a video
Bully 2022. aug. 3., 18:35 
Dollar store internet, nuff said people who can't afford internet shouldn't be allowed to play competitive. Period.
76561199169690001 2022. júl. 23., 7:18 
+rep nice person 😉
RTB Nickles 2022. ápr. 20., 11:28 
A great guy, really.
WalkEmDownNFuckEmInDaButtAnna 2021. okt. 2., 21:24 
+rep zach
DeiStro 2021. ápr. 24., 16:33 
Until we meet again old buddy
Angry Seal 2021. febr. 21., 22:45 
+rep annoys TSM
Space Monkey 2021. febr. 17., 5:59 
Good one
meow :3 2021. febr. 16., 13:18 
+rep Zach
Ben_ 2020. aug. 20., 22:05 
+rep is a nark!
Detective Pikachu 2019. okt. 18., 19:03 
approve my friend request, told you id add you
VeggieHead 2019. máj. 6., 18:45 
My Uber :csgoanarchist: