Silver Blue   Birmingham, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Discord : Silver Blue#0348
Uplay : B7.Q

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Illustrations by: https://wlop.deviantart.com/ https://www.artstation.com/wlop https://twitter.com/wlopwangling BGM (Background music): Lights & Motion - Anomaly Info: My first attempt at animating a wallpaper by WLOP. I have been pledged to WLOP's Patreon
75,945 ratings
Created by - Eliza
Recent Activity
727 hrs on record
last played on 2 Sep, 2021
99 hrs on record
last played on 2 Sep, 2021
22 hrs on record
last played on 22 Aug, 2021
󠀡󠀡 10 Jul, 2020 @ 11:12pm 
I lately lost a preposition;
It hid, I thought, beneath my chair
And angrily I cried, "Perdition!
Up from out of under there."

Correctness is my vade mecum,
And straggling phrases I abhor,
And yet I wondered, "What should he come
Up from out of under for?"
-- Morris Bishop

I find this corpse guilty of carrying a concealed weapon and I fine it $40.
-- Judge Roy Bean, finding a pistol and $40 on a man he'd
just shot.
Now I lay me down to study,
I pray the Lord I won't go nutty.
And if I fail to learn this junk,
I pray the Lord that I won't flunk.
But if I do, don't pity me at all,
Just lay my bones in the study hall.
Tell my teacher I've done my best,
Then pile my books upon my chest.

"I assure you the thought never even crossed my mind, lord."
"Indeed? Then if I were you I'd sue my face for slander."
-- Terry Pratchett, "The Colour of Magic"
D7oooM 22 Jun, 2019 @ 12:01am 
                                 :colonylove: شفت الأصابع كيف ضمت بعضها
                      :2016villain: :butterfly: وتشابكت ود و غلا روح و إحساس

                                  :Cinnamonova2: جعل الفرح ما يفارق عيونك
                      :toglove: ويلازمك وين ما كنت ويمتلي قلبك
D7oooM 19 Jun, 2019 @ 11:28pm 
..ﺎححب ﺎن ﺎهتم ب ﺎلاخرين و ﺎححاول ﺎن ﺎجعل كل من ححولي ﺳعيد لعل ٺلكك ﺎلسعاادةة ٺرجع لي يوماا من ﺎلأياام

عملك الشاق : هو حلم كل عاطل
ابنك المزعج : هو حلم كل عقيم
بيتك الصغير : هو حلم كل مشرد
مالك القليل : هو حلم كل مديون
عافيتك : هو حلم كل مريض
ابتسامتك : هو حلم كل مهموم
ستر الله عليك : هو حلم كل مفضوح
حتى استقامتك : هو حلم بعض أصحاب الذنوب
فأحمد الله على النعم التي أنت فيها

{\__/}                                  :miyabip: :Chocolaova2: :emiri::colonylove:
( • - •)            !!..ربي يسعدك ويحفظك يا حلو :cmcursor:
/つ:colonylove: :riria: :vanillaova: :yuu:
I see head i tap 5 Jun, 2019 @ 3:19am 
وانت بخير حبيبي يوسف.
D7oooM 4 Jun, 2019 @ 9:52am 
:Cinnamonova2: :riria: كل عام وانت بخير
3z 3 May, 2019 @ 1:44pm 
♥♥' بشعور ملؤه الحب أجمل التهاني بحلول شهر رمضان المبارك , وكل عآم وأنت بخير