Denny   Illinois, United States
"I'm here to kick danger right in the d!ck!"
Interests: Co-op:Hand_Shake: Horror:UmbrellaLogo: Demolition:Doomsday: Space:HelmetS:
Discord/Youtube: YourSideVillain
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I forget what was happening here, but it was probably Cor's fault.
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568 Hours played
Hello stupid fellow human!
Sign up to be a Helldiver today!

Join your other tasty fellow humans in dropping down on some awesome bug planets to face those cunning foe! The best tactic for fighting the beautiful bugs is for everyone to split up and go in a different direction! Isolating yourselves will totally confuse us the bugs! It is also a great strategy to horde any supplies from your fellow divers. Why share when you can keep all the health and ammo for yourself?! Now that is just smart thinking! Oh, and if you happen to see me a bug, don't start shooting and wasting all your ammo. Instead try yelling at it to scare it away. That'll show em!

Now spend your Earth moneys to be a "hElLdIvEr"!

~Your friend, Three Bugs in a Tenchcoat I don't know... DAVE or somesh!t.
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Favorite Game OSTs (Extended)
   ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ -=- My Top OSTs from Video Games! -=- █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄

         ██████  Now Playing: 1. Cup of Liber-Tea - HellDivers II
         ██   ►  ██
         ██████  0:16 ▬◯▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
                2. Dream Chaser - F-Zero X
                3. Decide in the Eyes - F-Zero X
                4. Callista - Mass Effect 2
                5. Suicide Mission - Mass Effect 2
                6. Bad Choices - Mass Effect 3
                7. Healing Winds - Soul Calibur III
                8. Icy Resolve - MS Saga: A New Dawn
                9. Menu Theme - Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
                10. 3rd Strike - Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
                11. The Instinct - Killer Instinct
                12. Carrington Institute - Perfect Dark
                13. Vigil - Mass Effect
                14. Ship Ambience - HellDivers II
                15. RPD Front Hall - Resident Evil 2
                16. Secure Place - Resident Evil 2
                17. A Moment of Relief - Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
                18. Save Heaven - Resident Evil HD Remaster
                19. This Shore - Way of the Samurai
                20. Righteous Soul - Way of the Samurai

              I'm too indecisive to make a digestible music playlist.
              However a top favorite game tracks seemed doable.
              No specific order, may add more later. Enjoy! :)
                    ♩   ♫   ♪