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1-10/22개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 16.4시간 (평가 당시 15.4시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
As much as i like Deep Rock Galactic and Roguelikes, this one is simply not at it at all.

The major problem that i have with it is that the enemies overwhelm you so easily even if the upgrades are meant to make you feel stronger but the amounts of overwhelming enemies with their million hitpoints is ridiculous. The weapons and the idea behind the modifiers is well executed but it's not fun that even in the easiest stages of the dives like Dive 1, you'll still end up being run over everytime even when trying to escape. It would've made it alot more enjoyable if they added some sort of immunity upon damage taking so you have a chance to actually escape than to get 5 hits and instantly lose all hp.

It's also massively grindy. I can get behind the gimmick but overall it's something that is hardly enjoyable too as ingame you can get very limited amount of materials. Nitra and gold is also a massive problem as you can try to get some of it but it isn't enough where you can just get only 1 or 2 upgrades that end up not having any benefit too sometimes.

The game looks very appealing and the upgrades and overall setting is pretty fitting but majorly the problem is the Enemy spam and material collection. It's not satisfying getting a run everytime and in the middle of the short span you are allowed to roam around getting overwhelmed by 10 exploders and 10 Praetorians at the same time.
2024년 8월 25일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 48.2시간
I hate this game anyways, i hate respawn and i hate EA.

Here is my negative review to this.
2024년 7월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.0시간
"Depanneur Nocturne"... How should i describe this game?

Depanneur Nocturne is a small little game that can be beaten in an hour, it doesn't cost much either. Though i'd say for 5 euros, this was a pretty little game.

You don't really have an objective, you just get to explore and talk to the owner of the shop. She does offer you alot of space to walk around and interact with everything. It is really relaxing being in the shop and checking everything out. What is so precious is that everything you buy in this game, you'll get to demonstrate it to a partner.

It was a nice and smooth experience, a small game with alot of heart to it and i can recommend it to you all. Support KO_OP for the concepts they have provided us so far as they are willing to make the games a great experience.
2024년 5월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 6.8시간
The Lil Gator Game Review
Hello everyone! YaOldBuddy once more here!

Welcome to the review of Lil Gator Game !
I would like to make this review quite special as this game is rather special for me. This game can be described in short as: "An impactful and cute story with alot of heart into it". The game is about a little Gator who started to grow up but wants to remember one thing that made his childhood special. Playing games!

The little gator is being visited by his Big Sis and wants to show her what he remembers from the past. More i can't say!.... that'd be spoilers! anyways, REVIEW TIME!

The Pros and the Cons

The Pros
- The Gameplay feels very fluent and responsive. I haven't had one moment where it felt janky or messed up.
- The Story is very impactful and is executed correctly. I felt nothing was too cheesy or badly written but rather perfect for a game like this one.
- The Graphic is a nice touch to the game and it wasn't graphical impacting at all. Everything is pretty smooth and worked flawlessly.

The Cons
Honestly, there is nothing i can say in this category, this game had nothing i'd be able to judge or think it would be negative. I loved every bit of it and so im leaving the cons with this message. Thank you Developers of MegaWobble for creating this beautiful masterpiece!

Personal Opinion
I am genuinely impressed to have played this game. I started to love more story games and i was recommended this, loved the cutesie Style it had, the little Gator is quite funny and a real hero for the friends he is able to make in this game and overall the experience was one of the most beautiful expierences i had for a game like this.

I usually play anything that has to do with fps but even i thought i needed a change and this was one of the best decisions i could've gone for. For 20 €/$, i'd recommend it for the effort that was put into this. This even made me cry with the story!

With that, once again... Thank you MegaWobbles for the time and effort you put into this game, this is and was a great experience.
2024년 4월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 4월 30일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 20.5시간 (평가 당시 7.2시간)
Hello everyone, YaOldBuddy here with a review on the game Goodbye Volcano High.

Goodbye Volcano High is one of those games that show me why i love story games and when choices are around, how impacting they can be. They'll allow us to choose what we we want and how we feel about situations and GVH is exactly that. It felt nice feeling like you are apart of the story in a way but the way you choose the options, you choose it for the main character called "Fang". You get to see so many different sides of how the story could potentially go and makes you eager to know them.

The Pros and the Cons (kinda)

The Pros
- The Story is pretty well made, nothing feels too cheesy and the story is willing to give you a good time and gets you into the mood of how the situations end up being.
- None of the character comes off as too annoying or act like they aren't fitting to the story or the cast overall, they were all pretty well put together to be apart of a cast.
- The Artstyle, the enviornment and the scenebuilding overall are wonderful. I cannot express how many times while listening during the story, i tried to look around as much as i could to find small details or simply watch how beautiful the enviornment was or how well drawn everything was. It is impressive how much work KO_OP's team put into this.
- The Gameplay is put very well (of course recommended more with controller). The decisions didn't seem bad and quite fits to the decisions you would have to make inside the game. As for the Rhythm gameplay... You have to press alot of buttons and use the joysticks at the right moment like you were hitting the drums, that gameplay felt very smooth but can be abit confusing at first. Either way loved it!

The Cons.... Kinda?

With pros, there are of course a few cons. Though they have not been too impactful for the gameplay and the story.

- Whenever a character gets to a next position, it kinda snaps to a next position which i found abit odd and sort of uncomfortable.
- (Not sure if intentional) The mouth movement of the characters is sometimes abit too slow and doesn't catch up all too much with the dialogue.

Personal Opinion

My Personal opinion to this game is going to be as following:
I recommend this game!
The game deserves the money as funding with all the work the team being KO-OP has put into it. It was a meaningful story, alot of attention to detail and overall the characters, environments and the emotions that wakes up within you. (A little overdramatic from my sides but i dont care, i love this game!)

One thing i loved about this as well is that the game wasn't afraid to show it's nature sometimes and kinda also the reality of situations. They've shown how people would act even through a dire situation. People would still be meming around, paranoid or still acting like themselves, just like the internet would. Another part of the game is the LGBT-Q like aspect. If you don't like that part, it's too bad. I love how the game really loves to support the groups and allows you to hear it from their side and i support it. No one should worry about who they really should be.

This was my review on Goodbye Volcano High and my last words will be: This was a pleasent experience.
2024년 4월 9일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 21.4시간 (평가 당시 21.2시간)
As much as people are praising this to be the ultimate Pixel Art Tool... I find it is one of the most stressful experience when it comes to creation and working with it.

I'm going to keep the rant review short here by saying: This Program doesn't really let you transform all of the layers and the constant complication of all the keybinding always being in a way. It's literally the best if you work with one singular layer and have to erase alot of things and redraw them again than to work with multiple layers. This program isn't really as user friendly as i thought.
2024년 2월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 8.0시간 (평가 당시 6.0시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
(This Review will be subjected to change in the future)

A Review to Get to the Orange Door

This game is feeling like a masterpiece to me simply because it follows everything i love. Roguelike, Parkour, Movement like Titanfall and everything else feels so.... S a t i s f y i n g. It is geninuely impressive to know that one singular Person is working on it aka Andrew Smith and that for 8 years. High respect goes to him as game develepment like this isn't an easy task. Creating all Animations, Visual styles, Graphic, Code,etc... This has to be the most impressive game i've ever seen and the most effort somebody put into a video game.


The gameplay i've used to have was pretty simple. There wasn't any story before (until now). It was straight into the game and the goal i had so far was beating many Bosses. I have yet to finish the game but i want to rather talk about the controls and how the game at the moment feels to me.

The Game itself is very fluent, the controls are slightly confusing at first so configurating them is the first option to do but afterwards it works flawlessly. The Movement, Gunplay and Abilites work pretty good as well and feel very satisfying to use against the enemies.

The Enemies, they are quite tricky but also easy to kill. You'll have to think quickly on how to approach them like the shield enemies, attack them with the boot or fists! The other's attack them simply with Lethal equipments or the provided guns.

Optional Missions or something? There is a way to getting through these vaults or so but i have never gotten a use out of them since i have been getting limited shards so im not sure what they do but a little word to Andrew, add also a indicator that they are nearby as most of the time i start to forget about them entirely.

Runs are modifiable.

The Upgrades... Oh man, they give you alot of variety of changing gameplay during your run and they seem to be very interesting most of the time or you can make it easy for you by giving yourself simply health back or ammo. The upgrades that are game changing always seem to provide a positive as well as a negative like: Enemies take 200% damage but are only able to be attacked by Melee.

For me the currency is 19,50 €. Is that expensive for this game?

In my opinion it is justified for the single Developer Andrew as they don't work with an entire team, they create everything on their own and listens to the feedback to provide the best gameplay he can for us. The game is pretty perfect for me so far and i'd say take your time with playing this game, get used to the controls and if there are any problems, feel free to express it to Andrew any way you can either through the discord or feedback here on steam.

Andrew is atleast a developer that isn't like the Triple A Studio devs that we have today that wont listen to feedback. He wants the game to work in our favour.
2023년 11월 4일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 5.8시간
Impaler Review
Hello everyone, welcome to my review for the game of Impaler. A neat little game for 3 Euros or Dollars.

Short Pros / Cons
For the people that don't want to read the full Review, here is a short Pros/Cons.

- Unlocking weapons is easy
- Enemies are easy to read on what their abilities they use.
- Cheap pricing
- Movement and weapon usage are easy to get used to.

- Difficulty arrangement borderline impossible to beat.
- Weapons get stale real fast
- Certain Upgrades are not worth it at all or show any effects.

--- Long Review ---
Generally the gameplay actually starts with you being in a room fighting a horde of enemies until the wave ends. At the end of the wave, you'll either receive money for beating the wave without health loss or you'll receive health overall for the damage you have taken.

There are around 10 weapons in this game and you'll have 2(?) to start off with. You unlock the others by completing certain tasks. I have unlocked 9 out those 10 and i must say that the weapons don't really feel any different except of the heat meter and functionality of the weapons (Semiauto, Full Auto smg, Shotguns, Laser rifle.)

I do not like the way the weapons are as most of them play the same way and some just hinder your gameplay more. I personally always picked a weapon that does alot of burst damage but majority of the weapons feel like they do the same damage and don't really feel satisfying to use.

The Spike Staff is the only weapon where i find the fun factor as you can summon them and insta kill most low tier enemies. You'll be able to boost yourself upwards and fall to stomp and throw more spikes around you.

Upgrades: Most of the upgrades aren't even noticable and it's a shame. Health Regen is never noticable as you get more from the pickups than the actual upgrade like it doesn't function. The Spike upgrades are rather useless and forgetable. The only Upgrades that are worth are either Barrels, Weapon upgrades or Gold.

I find that the Enemies are pretty fair to fight with but it's rather annoying with how many Pillars always spawn giving you little to no space to either dodge them or kill them fast meaning they'll overwhelm you in a second.

I'd say do the most simple ones like Unlocking weapons or upgrades or get 20 k score. There is sadly one catch that i dislike about and its the difficulty.

Normal is reasonable.
Hard or Insane is borderline unfair as you'll be getting little to no health at all. The only way you get health is by the 3 pots that always spawn that you'll have to destroy but even then, the Enemies annihilate it in a second. It's very unbalanced and no fun because not even the upgrades can help you out.

A Spike hit from an enemies deletes 3/4th of your health in a second. It's like fighting them with nerf weapons against military guns.

3 Euro or Dollars for this game seems reasonable if you want to have a casual experience with the Normal difficulty, it is fun and a little challenging and it doesn't require much to run this game.
2023년 10월 20일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.4시간 (평가 당시 7.4시간)
Welcome to my Review on Beacon Pines!
Hello YaOldBuddy here with a review i am proud and happy to be writing.

This game is fully on a story about a.... Oh wait, why am i telling this? Let the game tell you the story! I'm sure you'll get attached. I can only highly recommend it!

Let me instead tell you my experience for it!

The Story
Without getting any spoilers out, i was very happy to look into the story. The story is a very creative one and really makes you feel for the characters. The Story is also very immersive that you have alot of feelings going for it since you can pretty much decide what path you really want it to go!

I usually don't expect high quality of story games since most games i see are just RPG Maker based but im glad when a game like this one gets released with so much effort, so much support and overall wants you to have the expectation that you are looking for! The story is a blessing to look at. Give it a try!

The Characters
The characters are very fitting for their roles and no character felt like they were out of place. Of couse there are some that are intentional for the story and some are fillers but that's what you will always have in any game. Though in my opinion, every character felt pretty unique and even if they were the main character for the story or just a filler, everyone felt comfortable to be around and to be listened to. They were all pretty interesting to me.

Pros and Cons?
I don't have anything negative to say about this game, the ratings itself speak for themselves as it is "Overwhelmingly Positive". I think this game nailed everything and that i believe there were no flaws at all. I've encountered nothing that felt like i was out of control or was breaking or negatively impacting my expierence.

You might believe that the Price is way too much for a story game like this and that it is just a Singleplayer but in my honest opinion for the effort they put into this game, the money that will go straight to the creators of this game is very well deserved. 20 euros for a game like this and the amounts of effort within he visual style, the writing and overall game itself, it deserves the 20 euros. Support the creators!

Overall Message of mine
I've never experienced such an impactful game and i personally would say, you should go for it and experience it yourself. I didn't expect to feel so much emotions and such excitement for a story game (Unless it was Oneshot but that's a whole different expierence).

I hope this review convinces you of why this game is worth buying and playing.

Have a good day <3
2023년 8월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 148.3시간 (평가 당시 4.5시간)
Look at the other reviews, they explain everything already.

I just want to support the other people of showing how much this game sucks.
2023년 8월 11일에 게시되었습니다.
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