Derek Judkins   Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States
Here is my twitch


Past Teams

ESGN E-Sports Gamers
cK - Clan Kapitol
CK3 - Clan Killers 3
Lo3 - Live on 3
TDK - Technical Designed Killers
rs - Riot Squad


FX - FabricatedX


Team Select
rW - Rainbow Warriors
EoK - Equal Opportunity Killers

CS Tournaments:
Abyss 4v4 Feb 2001 2nd place (cK)
Shockwave 4v4 Mar 2001 2nd place (cK)
Quest CPL Qualifier June 2001 5th place (cK)
Recon2000 CPL Qualifier July 2001 3rd place (cK)
Cyberstorm 5v5 August 2001 3rd (cK)
Winter CPL 2001 December 2001 19-22 (CK3)
WCG Chicago Qualifier September 2002 1st (emg)
WCG US Finals October 2002 5th (eminence)
Tango October 2002 2nd (rs)
Tango November 2002 1st (rs)
Lethal Gamers December 2002 1st (rs)
CPL Winter Event December 2002 7th (rs)
MillionManLan May 2002 5th (cK)
CPL Summer Event 2002 July 2002 16-25 (cK)
CPL Winter Event December 2005 17th (rs)
w2z CPL Qualifer 2006 7th (REG)

9:36 AM - xpL1H: Didn't you sucker some ♥♥♥♥♥ to date you?
9:36 AM - xpL1H: I thought you told me you suckerd a chick into dating you
9:37 AM - xpL1H: or did you ♥♥♥♥ that up already
9:37 AM - xpL1H: I was curious.... is she blind? fat as ♥♥♥♥? in a wheel chair with down syndrome? or is it just a blow up doll
9:37 AM - xpL1H: come on you can tell me
9:37 AM - xpL1H: ohh wait
9:37 AM - xpL1H: YOU'RE PUBBIN
9:37 AM - xpL1H: gotta win that PUB ROUND
9:38 AM - ev0LuTioN-xG-: lmao
9:38 AM - ev0LuTioN-xG-: na she broke up with me
9:38 AM - ev0LuTioN-xG-: cuz i spend too much time on computer
9:38 AM - xpL1H: I love you and all...
9:38 AM - xpL1H: but
9:38 AM - xpL1H: You need to stick a pistol in your mouth and call it a day
9:38 AM - xpL1H: or change your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ghetto life
9:38 AM - ev0LuTioN-xG-: i would if i owned my gun stillll
9:39 AM - ev0LuTioN-xG-: i sold it for crack
9:39 AM - xpL1H: Why do I think you're not even joking
9:39 AM - ev0LuTioN-xG-: cuz im not
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