Crazy Earl
He ate his entire car with just a fork!
My list of victorious quotes:

* "If you know yourself and your enemy, then you need not fear the result of a hundred battles; If you know yourself but not your enemy, then for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat; However, if you know neither yourself nor your enemy, then you will succumb in every battle." —Sun Tzu

* "Watch your thoughts, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny." —Lao Tzu

* "The opportunity to defeat your enemy is usually provided by the enemy himself." —Sun Tzu

* “Simplicity, patience, compassion: These three are your greatest treasures; simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being; patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. and compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” ― Lao Tzu

Sedang Offline
—_—Profile Trading policy—_—
Due to the sheer audacity of scamming criminal scum. I have an absolute sub-zero tolerance policy to trading in my profile or wherever else I happen to be. Please do not ask me; my answer shall be no. I might accept a trade from somebody I know and can trust.

I prefer avoiding blocking anybody if I can do so as much as possible; just because I can exercise outstanding power doesn't mean I should; fate doesn't have to end with such brutality.

People affiliated in any capacity and showing signs of suspicion with scamming and fraudulent activity shall be exposed, reported to Valve, and then blocked immediately. (Don't even think about it, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)

With that said, please enjoy your stay here as I'm a very reasonable guy in all truth. Don't piss me off, and we'll get along just fine.
Etalase Ulasan
I love zombies, but Activision must seriously lower their price for this; greed clouds judgment. Only buy this game when it's on sale, as that's the best time to get it. That's why they're not doing so hot right now; they're only thinking about profits, not their product. This will eventually sink them.

But, sadly, as humans often tend to be, we are prideful creatures by nature who hate to have our fragile egos challenged. There is no reasoning with a narcissist; the only medicine you could prescribe to them is leaving them to their own devices; the greatest gift you could give a narcissist is the gift of goodbye, as they'll never see their shortcomings and it would be a waste of time even to bother mentioning it to them.
Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 38 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 6 Mar
Tercatat 72 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 1 Mar
Tercatat 2.327 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 28 Feb
Crazy Earl 15 Feb @ 3:44pm

Crazy Earl just beat some ♥♥♥♥♥'s ass!
Crazy Earl 14 Feb @ 1:28pm

Crazy Earl just dunked this chump faster than he does his Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Crazy Earl 20 Jan @ 7:09am
Another bumbling doof reported. You'd think that after so many failed attempts that they would just give up by now.

Thanks for giving me something to do, loser.
Crazy Earl 22 Des 2024 @ 7:59am 
For those who would suggest I am insane because of bots, first off, rude, how dare you; secondly, it's what they have done to me. They made me this way. I'm paranoid because I cannot trust anybody.

Yeah, having your account nearly stolen for life on Steam and succeeding on Discord will do that to someone. The only thing a machiavellian deserves is to be scorned with the intensity of a billion nuclear warheads.

These, things, I refuse to call them civilized people, take advantage of your innocence, then they come back for more because, why not, I guess.

Enough is never enough for them, I suppose. They cannot be bought, bullied, reasoned, nor negotiated with—the only cure is their destruction.
Crazy Earl 22 Des 2024 @ 7:46am And I found another one who believed me to be gullible; laughable.
Crazy Earl 20 Nov 2024 @ 4:58pm 
Oh boy. I wonder what their next tactic is going to be?