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Publisert: 4. jan. 2018 kl. 8.22
Oppdatert: 4. jan. 2018 kl. 8.23

So...after I finished the first game, Life is Strange, I was intrigued by what happened before all the story and got the second game, Life Is Strange: Before the Storm, and...IDK what to write... If someone would ask me if this game is better than the first one...well, it's really subjective. If we talk about the story and everything, especially if you played the first game, you feel that something is missing..and you couldn't be more right. There're lots of things that are presented in the first game, but in the pre-sequel, none or close to none can be found. The animations and dialogues seem a bit off compared to the first game and sometimes, the camera would move to another character before the first one finished what it had to say(with some kind of robust animation). The music was on point, no complains about that. The walking animation is really strange... I mean, it's somehow more complex than in the first game but still, I like that one more. The level design is somewhat strange, idk, it felt like there was less stuff to be done by you compared to the first game but the story was really good. The ending was quite rushed if you ask me. The timeline between the final of the pre-sequel and the first game is huge, lots of things could have been done to present all the characters in more depth and how Rachel ended up where it ended and how Chloe ended up with the situation which you see at the start for the first game. I think it could have been better if more time was put in the game and better animations and focus more on the characters, the same level of focus that can be found in the first game. The amount of exploration asked for completion of the game's achievement is quite huge, and 9/10 times, there isn;t anything to guide you...no sound, no dialog, no shadows (because lighting is used to guide the player on the right path) but you have to spend a lot of time just...doing stuff. I don't mind it, but I don't think it's the best way of handling it.

Now, let's put the game from a gamer perspective

It's good, the content you get for your money is more than fair and perfect and whatnot. Again, the characters are designed so well and you can feel you're "the one who knocks" but some characters are just out of the picture. The music is awesome and the ending is great.

So probably you ask now: "Why the hell you still say this is a good game and you recommend it?"

The answer is very simple: You get what you paid for and even more, all the content is good and my complains are more from a developer, perspective, if I can call myself as one, and not from a gamer view. As someone who just plays video games, you might not see any of these and enjoy the game. And I enjoyed the game.
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1 kommentarer
easy 6. jan. 2018 kl. 9.29 
i need an enforcer on tac 1