·٠•● X1g3r ●•٠·
Maksymilian   Poland
║٠•● W E L C O M E- T O -M Y -P R O F I L E ●•٠ ║

Always play fair, don't use cheats.

+6000 h - Experience in CS:GO [Legendary Eagle Master]
CS:GO Teams: CockroachTeam, PRPLteam, MonkaEsports, EpicRP-CSteam
Game role: Support, Lurker, 2nd Sniper, IGL

Can you please write: "+rep" in my profile? Thanks!

Tradelink: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=335674924&token=TQRnZMMt
The Global Elite!
3 3
Favoriete spel
+rep узбек кутак баш эрзянь салам
21 damage 10 uur geleden 
-rep noob ♥♥♥♥
Uzbekistanfacekid 10 uur geleden 
-rep noob
Melman 10 uur geleden 
+rep give me case pslsllspsp:steammocking:
Faugrel 14 dec om 10:54 
skilled rifler, strong gunplay, let's stay dominant on the server
Nightstalker 14 dec om 9:30 
+rep USP flick god