TastiTaters 12 nov. 2020 às 0:09 
Just saw your post on my profile. The background I have is the blackhole background in the point shop. Long time no chat since playing gun game! Hope you're doing well.
Ouija 15 dez. 2018 às 15:22 
remember when we had all kinds of forums and game servers. was a blast. should find a game to play some time
Dukhat 11 jul. 2018 às 12:33 
Thought of you today. I hope you are doing well.
Dobby 13 abr. 2016 às 13:41 
Checking in Timmy, its been far to long. I hardly come on Steam now. Glad to see your still active. Miss the old CSS gang. Life's good across the pond. Working my ass off in IT, have a family and all that now. Hope your doing well Tim, its been far to long.
Rozen 12 mar. 2016 às 1:53 
Warms my heart to see people enjoying given games instead of just collecting them, and I know what you mean, I also have problem finishing my games as I mostly try to 100% it before beating the game and I end up getting tired in the process. xD
I hope you win a lot more games and have fun with all of them! :woo::bandit:
blewberry 16 mai. 2015 às 17:36 
Well done. :)
Skatanic Studios 6 abr. 2015 às 11:29 
Just watched you stream the game, hope you like the new update. Caught some bugs that need fixing, thanks! :)
marcracc 21 jun. 2014 às 20:13 
Hi Timmy!
smittypi3 7 jan. 2014 às 6:54 
we probably did, i didint buy my account for a little while i played under someone elses
Wuss^Timmy 3 dez. 2013 às 20:22 
@Tiny Apparently can't comment on your profile. Miss ya bud. Your picture makes me want to visit Cananda again.
TINY 3 dez. 2013 às 15:58 
holy crap. been too long old bossman
Ahpux 2 dez. 2013 às 18:29 
+rep, good trader
rusty_dragon 30 nov. 2013 às 16:41 
+rep, good trader :)
OutlawTornCA 30 mai. 2013 às 19:50 
you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, every wednesday....
Dobby 3 nov. 2012 às 12:43 
Long time no speak Timmy, hope everything is going well over the pond. Not spoken to any of the old gang in a while.
Wuss^Timmy 5 ago. 2012 às 0:51 
@ Jak; If this were Daikatana i would totally be unentertaining and vastly mediocre. Did you get my email where you are in the top 10 at work for penetrated by phone.
Wuss^Timmy 5 ago. 2012 às 0:48 
@ Levi, Thanks man. Ironically Steam is just about always running but Im not always here and i never change my status.
Kotchman 1 ago. 2012 às 20:19 
If this were Fallout, I would enter VATS and shoot off your limbs Timmy.
Leviticuss 19 abr. 2012 às 14:57 
Haven't been on steam in over two years... glad to see you're still hangen' around my friend. Hope all is well.