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Скорошни рецензии на Figment

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33.3 изиграни часа (27.1 часа по време на рецензията)
As a Far Cry game this game has a lot going for it, anything from perfected comedy to edging on politics, which they purposely didn't tread heavily something that personally, I had been concerned with when making the purchase

I'll discuss the better parts of this game then discuss the spoilers at the end with censorage for people who either don't care or have beaten the game.
BEST gunplay, out of all the Farcry games
It can easily be said that in Far Cry® 5 they had almost completely focused on how combat would be felt, everything from how the character moves, gun sways and the way the gun sounds is absolutely satisfying.

Treading on controversial ground
Something that originally was going to prevent me from buying the game, was the fear that they would paint the second amendment, American politics and the Southern acting citizens in a bad-light. They definitely did not, with a few exceptions like Hurk Drubman Sr. personally found his quotes hilarious adding alot to the missions he had you accomplish. Basically, the basis of some of the politics in the game even coming out of the words of the citizens in game that Joseph Seed and his followers are the reason we have the second amendment. This had companies like Gamespot The Verge Polygon confused and disliking the game because they thought the game would be teaching a lesson to one side, but in reality the game is fairly neutral, something that I didn't expect to happen.

Little gripes about the games design, minor flaws.

  • One of the issues that really bothered me was the fact that you couldn't play games with a friend and have your things saved, understandably this has happened in all of the Far Crys and it isn't to be expected for them to add such a feature.
  • Another small issue is, they've added alot of fun things to do. Like hunting and fishing, doing side-missions for characters among other things. But there is such a large concentration of enemies that when you're driving, fishing and messing around with friends you'll be spotted from even hundreds of feet away. It really takes away from the peaceful and beautiful environment they've created in their recreation of a Montana town.

Joseph Seed/The Father (as spoiler free as possible)
As a character, Joseph Seed completely recreates the idea of a villain. Someone who attempts to be almost completely devoid of hatred, they embodied a religious fanatic perfectly. Though with much of the story being a very cheesy cult-story that you can definitely look past with the detail they've put into Joseph, Jacob, John and Faith. The few scenes you get with these characters are memorable, each of them having their own quirks that make them unique some merciful, some not so much. The situations you get into with the friends you've obtained and gone into the bliss and the cognitive conditioning scenes from Jacob and Faith is both saddening at times and immersive. That's pretty much it, overall I got this game because I didn't want to trash on it without having played it, and ended up enjoying it. So here's my review!


Публикувана 1 април 2018.
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1,192.5 изиграни часа (738.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
no updates
Публикувана 26 ноември 2017.
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87.9 изиграни часа (78.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Hurtworld is no doubt fun, but the real question is does it stand to its own $24.99 price point, in my opinion it does not. The development team does not keep up with this game enough for it to be worth $24.99 this game was given to me by a friend who had an extra key because it had no Linux support, afterwards I had bought the game for a friend through Humble Bundle [www.humblebundle.com] for $3.60, is the game worth that much? it's worth a little bit more, I'd peg a worth it pricepoint for this game at about $14.99 personally, mainly because it's got very little content and not much end game. It does indeed come with a lot of drama reminescent of Rust and DayZ. You'll make friends as people tend to be more commonly friendly in this game, but the community doesn't define the game itself.
  • It's got an okay amount of things to do, if you like the grind of building bases which essentially takes a long time.
  • The community isn't exactly toxic, depending on if you joined a public server or not, private servers are definitely better, people tend to trade and commune.
  • The game is extremely small, less then 2GB, that's a pro I guess.
  • It's pretty casual, you build you log off and let your drill do the work.
  • Your things can be destroyed while you're offline, something no other game company seems to be able to get right, this one sure didn't assist the matter.
  • Little to no end game, if you aren't satisfied with just building and some side pvp, you won't be satisfied with this game.
  • It's glitchy, don't head hop.
  • The networking on the regular servers can be iffy.
  • Okay, build lines. I'd understand if the totem set down build lines and you would have to stay in there, but these build lines enable people to deconstruct your base, remember when you're building STAY WITHIN THE BUILDLINES, some noob will run up swing a hammer and take the place over if you don't have a totem and building within your lines.
  • This game also gets the time waster trophy, simply because it takes so long to get anything productive done with the chance of being toppled down in days if not hours.
  • Developers don't seem to respect the games timelines and progress, they're attempting to replicate Rust in their own artstyle.
    Overall, I'd recommend this game below or at the $14.99 pricepoint because it's definitely a worth it survival game for that or less, you will be waiting a long time for updates. Overall, don't recommend in its current state.
Публикувана 6 ноември 2017. Последно редактирана 6 ноември 2017.
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6 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
4.6 изиграни часа (2.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Despite the very positive review, this game is generally horrible even on sale at ($119.31) for EVERY dlc or ($9.99) for the base game (14.99$) for the anniversary edition, this game is not worth it. You need DLC for almost everything and the basic game itself you're going to need the 'Ruler Designer DLC' just to be able to change how your leader looks. Also not having the dlc basically blocks off half of the map avaliablity and certain eras. Paradox Interactive isn't bad, but the team in Paradox who worked on this is near deplorable, not someone you want to give ANY amount of your money to, because the base game is hardly itself worth ($5) I'm always encountering glitches that require me to restart my game, the games syncing is horrible and the graphics for 2012 are sub-par. You would be better off playing (Total War : Rome I) or Sid Meier's Civilization IV or V which is an extremely large community, this pretty much sums up this games existence and urge you to reconsider your decision if you wish to purchase this game.
Публикувана 3 юли 2017.
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121.0 изиграни часа (75.3 часа по време на рецензията)
I've got to say, this game has almost completely thrived off of the modding community since about a year after its release, the multiplayer is somewhat shotty, the game developers are lacking and the team makes bad decisions constantly, this is the last straw for the support of both Take Two and Rockstar (Rockstar not being at fault, but managing to condone it), the only people who needs to cease and desist is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ass people behind Take Two, I can't wait to see Grand Theft Auto V crash and burn, and I'm definitely not buying Red Dead Redemption 2, have fun with bad sales and a toxic community.

Публикувана 18 юни 2017. Последно редактирана 18 юни 2017.
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32.2 изиграни часа (18.9 часа по време на рецензията)
This game is absolutely amazing, it re-lives a game I used to play a long time ago called Sim Theme Park.
☛ The most immersive theme park oriented game in some time.
☛ Alot of things to do, especially taking your time creating your own buildings to put inside of the blueprints section.
☛ Workshop integration (Lots to choose from if you are the type of person to put things together instead of build)
☛ Extremely immersive artstyle and graphics, personally reminescent of Thrillville.
☛ Unique soundtracks.
☛ The only first person avaliable is viewing from the eyes of one of your parkgoers. (I'd love to see a first person option to be able to walk around the park as your own character, and possibly mingle and get the opinions of guest)
☛ Lack of themes given inside of your custom menu to create buildings & scenery. But I'm sure they will add more in the future.

Over all this is by-far the most succesful early-access release I've ever seen, and it's a beautiful game I go to when I'm tired of the traditional shooter.
Публикувана 23 ноември 2016.
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36.6 изиграни часа (28.3 часа по време на рецензията)
I used to be a great adventurer in skyrim just like you, until gabe newell made me pay for all my mods.
Публикувана 25 април 2015.
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127.8 изиграни часа (21.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Not, exactly greater then AOE 2 HD but, Its really close. My favorite part about games like these is the long games and RTS. I'm really fast when it comes to moving around soldiers so it comes in handy to be playing a RTS game instead of a turn-based game such as sid meiers civilization.
<3 This game.
Публикувана 11 декември 2013.
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