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投稿日: 2018年6月9日 23時56分
更新日: 2018年6月10日 2時18分

Truly one of my favorite series of all time. If you've never watched the anime before or even if you have i’d definitely recommend this VN. While it can be a bit slow the story and world it builds is amazing.

While the story can take quite a while to really kick off it has a lot of important world building at the start which really invests you in the world and the characters later in the story. The characters and their connections is amazing and they really feel like they are conversing and existing in their world and you are really invested in them as they struggle. The plot follows a group of teenagers as they experiment with the power of time travel only to realise that no human should ever play god and now they need to deal with the choices they have made as they unravel conspiracies that are way over their heads. Almost everythign that happens serves a prupose towards to the story and it all connects in such an amazing way.

This is an amazing story and I'd recommend to anyone that they try it. Although it starts off slow once it gets going you can't put it down! 9.8/10 would recommend!
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