Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Lastest Achievements:
- 3rd SLTV Lan finals Summer Season (Ukraine, Kiev, 2013)
- 2nd EMS Raidcall Summer Season (Germany, Cologne, 2013)
- 3rd/4th Dreamhack Summer (Sweden, Jonkoping, 2013)
- 2nd Intel Extreme Masters Poland (Poland, Katowice, January 2013)
- 3rd Esports Heaven Media Lan(Czech republic, Prague, November2012)
- 1st Benq Czech Championship (Czech Republic, Seč, October 2012)
- 1st Benq LanCraft (Czech Republic, Uherské Hradište, June 2012)
- 1st Intel Lan Finals (Czech Republic, Uherské Hradište, June 2012)
- 1st GigaByte Lan Finals (Czech Republic, Brno, January 2012)
- 1st Czech and Slovak championship(Slovakia, Bratislava, November 2011)
- 1st Storm The Front (Slovakia, Bratislava, September 2011)
- 1st Mezihernový turnaj 03/2011(Slovakia, Bratislava, March 2011)
- 1st Czech National Championship (Czech Republic, Seč, April 2010)
- 1st SVK-CZE Championship (Slovakia, Bratislava, June2010)
- 2nd Copenhagen Games (Denmark, Copenhagen, April 2010)
- 1st Alpcon(Austria, 2010)
- 1st Dreamhack Winter (Sweden, Stockholm/Jonkoping, November 2009)
- 1st Multiplay i38 (England, Newbury, November 2009)
- 1st World Gamesmaster Tournament (Slovakia, Trenčín, October 2009)
- 1st BECUP Lan (Hungary, Budapest, August 2009)
- 1st Multiplay\'s i37 Lan (England, Coventry, August 2009)
- 1st Infused CryO PC Cup (ONLINE, July 2009)
- 1st UKeSA Premiership Season 1 (England, London, June 09)
- 1st Cadred European Rankings (May 2009)
- 1st Guardian wins Lan79 MVP award (May 2009) 64%
- 2nd Lan79 (France, May 2009)
- 1st Guardian wins Multiplay's i36 MVP award
- 1st Multiplay's i36 (England, Coventry, April 2009)
- 2nd Creative Lan Finals (Czech Republic, Brno, 2009)
- 3rd Creative Lan Finals (Czech republic, Brno, 2008)

Team Slovakia(.PhP, UN, GuardiaN, XeRo, anyX)
ENC 2008(Germany, Leipzig)

Mix achievements:
3rd Infinity Lan - j0sse, enorm, BoTk4, kap1, GuardiaN(CS1.6, Hungary, Vác)
3rd Outpost on Fire - WT, STR, sneix, .PhP, GuardiaN(CSS, Belgium, Antwerpen)

INGame Setup:
Resolution : 800x600
Crosshair : Small, green
DPI: 400
Windows sensitivity : 6/11
In-game sensitivity : 1.3
zoom_sensitivity_ration : 1.2
Windows mouse acceleration : OFF
Set launch options: -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcemparms -freq 120 -32bp -tickrate 100
Currently Offline
1 VAC ban on record | Info
1614 day(s) since last ban
-bluffarn- 10 Jan, 2019 @ 10:13am 
Do you want some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? Then watch this video and enjoy.
Libidinous Amina 20 Dec, 2018 @ 10:09pm 
💛 ♦ 🎽 ♦ 🚗 ♦ 💙 ♦ 👽 ♦ 🌋 ♦ ⚡ ♦ 🚕 ♦ 💗 ♦ 🐊
🌏 ♦ 📀 ♦ 👾 ♦ 🎈 ♦ 🌳 ♦ 👹 ♦ 📒 ♦ 📘 ♦ 💚 ♦ 🐝
If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs,
then the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.

🥒 ♦ 🍆 ♦ 🌋 ♦ 🚗 ♦ 👃 ♦ 🐳 ♦ 🕺 ♦ 🎍 ♦ 💛 ♦ 🏓
✪SuperSaiyan3 19 Jun, 2016 @ 8:45am 
LoL Vac
Miss Fatty 2 Jun, 2016 @ 4:27pm 
Signed by :nitrogen:iffonen och :guard: :sfsmug:
SUPREME 1 Jun, 2016 @ 8:13pm 
пидераст,шоб у тебя комп взорвался мудак
NesQk#HackOrLuck 1 Jun, 2016 @ 7:27am 
Хуйло ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ вак словил ублюдок