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72.4 hrs on record (54.6 hrs at review time)
The war is over

Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 9 May, 2024.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Awsome !!!!
Posted 6 March, 2021.
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148.8 hrs on record (144.5 hrs at review time)
Overall, it is enhance version of Wither->>>>> Wither in the future
Posted 5 January, 2021.
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1,747.9 hrs on record (105.7 hrs at review time)
After Playing for a while. I found The Time I spent for this game is more than my other FPS game
Posted 19 August, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
57.9 hrs on record (51.1 hrs at review time)
This Game is pretty awsome
Good point:

1. parkour system is so cool, you can run to lots of place, you can climb the wall, you can cimb to really high, you can jump over the head of the zombie, you can crash the zombie, you can roll to decrese fall damage when jumping fron high place balabalabalalalal

2. Zombie system, yep, I like the zombie in this game, zombie party divide to two party, one is day party which is pretty dumb, another is night party which is powerful.

3. Online invsion system, eventhough i didn;t play so much in the online system, it is awsome when you and your friend fight with other zombie player, when your game is been invaded, game will give your signal to prepare.

Bad point.
1. parkour system, yep, sometimes, I feel not good that I died when I fall from a place which is not too high, especially, in the DLC, I can feel this problem is a issue.

2. Zombie system, I like fight with Zombie, I like be a warrior in the night but I don;t like to fight all the time, Usually, when I kill some night zombies in one place there will be some night zombies respawn around me immediately, WTF, I think this should give the player to feel safe or take a breath when they have killed bunch of night zombie.

3. Mission system, the map in this game is so big, that is cool and I like run free in the map and do something fun . However, sometimes you need to across to do the mission, then, guess what, you need to run across the map agaion to tell someone that "you finished this mission".................................................................................. this is another reason, I am tired of wasting time during the run for ♥♥♥♥ stuff.
Posted 14 July, 2016.
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0.7 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Posted 23 July, 2014.
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7.0 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
等了半天终于 等到了联机版,可是居然要买,有点小气氛,
Posted 23 July, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
25.0 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
相比V2的 敌人的中弹设计有了很大的突破,能看到肌肉哦~~~~,地图改进也非常明显,多条线路,多种玩法,哈哈我觉得这个是应该表扬的,2代的地图基本上都是一条线,玩完一边基本上不想再碰了,这代的多线地图,总是让我感觉有些地方没走过,想再去玩一遍
再提一下游戏里面的光线,屌的一笔,经常晃瞎我的狗眼= =,24K都不够用了,要升级成36K了。缺点的话,需要再玩一段时间
Posted 1 July, 2014.
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