
Medium mistake yo!

smol mistek yo
An "announcement"
I've come to make an "announcement", Wilhelm von Clausewitz Halcyon HISUIMARU is a contemptible rampallian "annoyance", they "expressed" their "excitement" on our "confounded" "honouring". That's right, in today's "existence" is optionally a "miraculous" time for a "majestical" "star" to be recognised for their "brilliant" "achievements" in their greatest "goals" to a somewhat "hazy" extent. However, despite being bluntly called an "annoyance" to ones "such as yourself", they are, without a shadow of "doubt", a "mastermind". A "heretic" being whomst've possessed great "power"; "The Chosen One" given the "exceptional" mission of capturing Taira no Fumikado; The "assistant" that JynX, the creator, uses to "playtest" other "players" in Book of the Café. Because of this, what defines an "annoyance" you, the "audience", might "question" curiously. Do yourselves "anticipate" that one "such as I" is obligated to "clarify" the definition? Keh heh heh, does "you, the reader" not "comprehend" the "situation"? Parden my "behaviour", but "I, the announcer" could straightforwardly not "describe" clearly with mere "words"! For you see, "words" themselves carry an innate "power", but they are worth much less than those "words" that carry a "heretical power". Every single word in a sentence carries its own "energy" known as an "intension". As I speak, this energy begins to diverge and my "words" begin to acquire a new "potency" to them. However, if this process is "interrupted" partway through its execution, this partially "converged" energy could "possibly" invite an "unexpected" misinterpretation. You need not a "story", as the "expression" of "thought" and "knowledge" is all that is "required". I could go on and on with "words" on this special "day" for what "I, the announcer" is trying to "express", however, I am "currently" short of "words" in these somewhat "fortunate" times. In "conclusion", let this be a "period" of "learning" that today is the "person" who's name is Wilhelm von Clausewitz Halcyon HISUIMARU special day for their "enjoyement" for them to finally "shine" like a "BIG STAR" with their "Eternal" power and magnificent narrative. One "such as I" will not let you underestimate the "majesty" of this self that is I.