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7 de 20 (35%) conquistas alcançadas:
Conquistas pessoais

Quiplash 3: Worst to First

Was in last place at the end of either the First or Second Rounds and then won the game.
Alcançada em 29/nov./2024 às 16:13

Devils and the Details: Tattletale

Stopped 5 selfish actions in one game
Alcançada em 15/out./2022 às 19:32

Talking Points: Name Check

You gave a talk with one of the players' names in the title
Alcançada em 10/nov./2022 às 20:51

Talking Points: Good Karma

You gave out the most engagements to other players but still won the game
Alcançada em 29/nov./2024 às 16:32

Blather 'Round: Whoops

You won the game and got the most "My Bad" points
Alcançada em 15/out./2022 às 20:11

Blather 'Round: Most Helpful Guesser

You got 1000 points by contributing helpful guesses
Alcançada em 15/out./2022 às 20:10

Blather 'Round: In This Together

You finished a game where everyone guessed at least one password
Alcançada em 10/dez./2022 às 20:25

Quiplash 3: Domination

Got a Quiplash on every answer in Rounds One, Two and Three

Quiplash 3: Schmitty Schmackdown

Got a Quiplash against Schmitty in the Final Round

Quiplash 3: Secret Schmitty

Triggered a response from Schmitty with your answer

Devils and the Details: Pitchfork Perfect

Won the game with an A rating and all challenge tasks completed

Devils and the Details: You're Out of the Family

Most selfish player won the game

Devils and the Details: TGIF

Played on a Friday night

Champ'd Up: The Usurper

You won a match as the underdog

Champ'd Up: The Comeback Kid

You won a second half match using a character that lost in the first half

Champ'd Up: The People’s Champ

You lost the room vote but won over 80% of the audience vote

Champ'd Up: The Halftime Speech

You were in last place at halftime, but ended up winning the game

Talking Points: Putting on a Conference

You played 3 games in a row

Talking Points: Long Winded

You figured out a way to give a talk that lasted over seven minutes

Blather 'Round: Think Tank

You won the game as the audience