Tiempo de juego de las últimas 2 semanas:

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1 de 17 (6%) logros conseguidos:
Logros personales

Enter Yariv

There is no turning back...
Se desbloqueó el 15 DIC 2024 a las 11:38 p. m.

Enter Nameless Village

Welcome to the oasis..

Enter Forest

Beware the guardian...

Enter Temple

Makers be with you...

Defeat Predator

Now claim the power of Darkness...

Defeat Arch Guard

With power of Kurath...

Open Ancient Doors

Estern should be pleased...

Find Kurath Tablet

Now, should you give it away?...

Make Sacrifice

Reborn in the glory of shattering...

Make Merchant Happy

Now you can talk!

Reach level 50

Your power is growing...

Save Archeologist

Now, learn the truth together...

Collect 500 gold

Time to spend it!

Upgrade weapon to +4

Armed and ready...

Find secret in Ruins

Try to enhance it with magic...

Behind the Mask

Time to go even deeper...

Find ???

He is watching...