Prophet Alaudeen DCLXVI   Vatican City State (Holy See)
Is Anyone Up?
Just because it's weak doesn't mean it's powerful
Get out of my house right now, you thief!

"If you touch my wife I will abduct your heir/heirs and sacrifice them to our elated Dark Lord Lucifer." - modded ck2 quote

Also Nagash demands sacrifice

:RedStar:China:RedStar: is not a country and it does not exist :steammocking:
A Russian maternity ward is much like the Caverns of Isengard

Quotes from random forgettable losers i've induced into sperg rage
{ } Sinprodigy: USELESS ♥♥♥♥
{ } ImTired: Go back to cod if youre gonna Tbag

While we may believe,
Our world, our reality,
To be that is,
but one manifestation of the essence.
Other plains lie beyond the reach,
Of normal thought and common roads.
But they are no less real..
Than what we see or touch or feel.
Denied by the blind church.
Because these are not the words of "god".
The same "god" that burnt the knowing.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
You aren't trusted here, Profligate.
Watch yourself, Profligate.
150 時間プレイ
If you enjoy playing with fecal matter while in the middle of a landfill, then you will enjoy this game.
Shub-Ninja 2024年3月21日 12時32分 
Dilla 2024年3月12日 15時30分 
And there you go again. Latent tendencies detected
StrangersOnly 2024年3月9日 21時25分 
I'm not the one with a infatuation, Butt Boy. :shit:
Dilla 2024年3月8日 8時43分 
Your infatuation with dude butt is a little weird bro...
StrangersOnly 2024年3月6日 18時50分 
What's it like to sniff so much dude butt?
Dilla 2024年3月5日 17時22分 
Why would I be mad about dropping 2 out of the 3 of you? Your boy is gonna be the mad one when he has to buy the game again to keep playing with you. What is it like to suck that hard? lol