Evan   Auburn, California, United States
Loves: Pretty much every kind of music except country, Strange clothes, Hellsing, Blood+, Akira, Geass, Clockwork Orange, Cell, The Joker, L4D, COD4, WoW, HL2, many other game-related abbreviations, the art of Gerald Brom, the works of Clive Barker, H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King and Anne Rice, and lolcatz.

Hates: Country music, Twilight (vampires do NOT sparkle dammit), judgemental people, any kind of man-made drug, 10 year olds that think they're the Sh*t, full grown adults that think they're the Sh*t, Religious extremists of any kind, daytime programming, and any Disney movie made in the last ten years with talking animals in it.
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