Vatican City State (Holy See)
These videogames aren't going to play themselves
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It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.

I went to a zoo, and the only animal there was a dog...

It was a shih tzu

Why can't Barbie get pregnant?

Because Ken comes in a different box

Why can't your nose be twelve inches long?

Because then it'd be a foot!

Why did the blonde snort Splenda?

She thought it was Diet Coke!

What do you call a good farmer?

Someone who is out standing in their field.

Why can’t Buddhists vacuum under the couch?

They have no attachments

What do you call a poor Italian community?

A spaghetto

What do you call a cow that can't produce milk?

An udder failure

What do you call the ghost of a chicken?

A poultrygeist

What do you call a cow that had an abortion?


Why couldn’t the lifeguard save the hippie?

He was too far out, man

Why are ghost bad liars?

You can see right through them

What does grass wear when it’s trying to be seductive?

Lawn gerie

Why did the scientist remove his doorbell?

He wanted to win the Nobel prize

What do you call a poor Italian community?


Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?

Because the "P" is silent.

Did you hear about the jurisprudence fetishist? He got off on technicality.

I went to the psychic the other day and accidentally broke his crystal ball...

It cost me a fortune!

Why do pirates take so long to learn the alphabet?

They can spend years at C

What do you call a broken can opener?

A can't opener

What do you call someone who likes ceilings?

A ceiling fan

What do you call it when Batman skips church?

Christian Bale

What is the letter C afraid of the rest of the alphabet?

They are all not-C's

Why was the dance for married people empty?

There wasn't a single person there!

Why did Cinderella get kicked off the basketball team?

She always ran away from the ball

It didn't help that her coach was a pumpkin
Cheeki Breeki 7 Feb, 2020 @ 12:11pm 
plays auto half the game
basket 23 Dec, 2019 @ 1:46am 
You still play mons? I got back into adv from my netbattle days and I'd be be down to play some dpp
zin0 24 Nov, 2016 @ 11:43pm 
How's your mother? Father working?
Warboss Vitali 17 May, 2016 @ 3:26pm 
Hey, Warning, it's Atomic Tomato Potato/Colonel Luxray from the TF2F. What's up?
scend 9 Apr, 2016 @ 11:48pm 
Your mother and I are worried sick about you. Please call us now! Love you.
Toyful 20 Aug, 2015 @ 11:50am 
Why don't you have jokes anymore?:meatytears: