United States
I most likely won't accept a friend request if I don't know you.

If I didn't lose my old steam acc, I would have 9-10 years on steam:thebrute:

Pfp: @WermFork
Biggs!! 14 ต.ค. @ 10: 26pm 
+rep swag wesker Im just bad at the game :)
mrsdroopy 6 ต.ค. @ 12: 19am 
-rep hag player
debriDebross 4 ส.ค. @ 5: 43am 
+rep awesome hillbilly teammate in 2v8
Gods Drunkest Driver 25 มี.ค. @ 11: 01pm 
+REP TWINS you have mercy in you're heart for lil dumb silly survivors
Wharthogbreath 5 มี.ค. @ 4: 16am 
Tedics 4 มี.ค. @ 8: 56am 
-rep ur a furry