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Recente recensies door Aeryx

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7.3 uur in totaal
Disappointed there's no choice to go into an "endless mode" after you win a board, the game is easy, i beat Ballionaire++ at around 4 hours in, and then messed around on the other boards which are not much fun.

Lots of potential in this game but it fell short for me, the debuffs you get in later difficulties are not fun and mostly just tedious, i tried a bunch of different "builds" and its very apparent some triggers/holders/ect just arent good. i wish i hadnt started unlocking the other items... if you wanna win just do bricks, piggy banks, and jump ropes.

The game is too easy, and ive already explored all the content it has to offer....7 hours in. 7 hours for a roguelike is pathetic tbh.
Geplaatst 8 januari.
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18.3 uur in totaal (13.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Fun gunplay, the Descendants are all pretty cool, lots of variety. Runs well.

that being said this monetization system is CRINGE. $100 dollars for a skin??????

Servers go down EVERY SINGLE DAY??????

20% drop rate for Descendant crafting materials is a JOKE, ive had to re run those missions EACH 20+ times to get the drop.
Geplaatst 5 juli 2024.
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20.0 uur in totaal (9.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Whose freakin' idea was it to make stamina management so awful? why does melee and magic not use stamina for attacks, but bows do? what kind of freakin' sense does that make. Combat is STIFF and clunky, no abilities or skills. Melee you just left click over and over, most weapons share a moveset. All combat styles feel REALLY bad. Enemy telegraphs are bad too. Your map gets absolutely filled with map markers, and every time you log off and back on, they all show as "new" completely confusing you on where you've been or not.

Building is something everyone has been praising, but what are they smoking? it's all right angles, making circles impossible. so all you can do are squares, which is boring. Instead of being able to just gather resources and then build you have to craft the resources into building blocks. no crafting from boxes either so storage management is just obnoxious.

The game throws so much information at you, so fast, and why does EVERY GAME NEED A GRAPPLE HOOK AND GLIDER?

This game is half baked, and that's being generous. All the animations are just flipped assets, nothing in the game feels right or good. it all feels "almost" good. And when you combine it all together it makes for a really really meh game. FPS drops randomly on my beast rig, food runs out too fast, just...bleh. another hyped game that's really just garbage. no idea why it's getting so much praise and hype.
Geplaatst 4 februari 2024.
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89.2 uur in totaal (31.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Great little tribe sim. i don't wanna call it a colony sim or city builder because its kind of not. The insane amounts of micromanaging and lack of automation means you dont want too many people in your tribe. You can take your time, not a lot of things will make your tribemen's loyalty go down, just keep them fed.

i love that you're actually on a globe, if you took a tribesman you could potentially walk them in a 360 around the planet. You can look off into the distance and see distant hills, lakes, and oceans. a LOT of colony sim games do that stupid cut off tile into blackness/fog, it makes building a pleasing city much more fun.

Resources are an immense grind. a Single large building will take you years (in game) to complete. some Resources will be a bit too far away to tell your people to just grab, so you have to manually walk them to the area. setting up storage bases to make carting further away resources helps, almost like little trade cities.

Probably one of the best tech/research mechanics i've played with. you dont just set a research at a table, you have your tribesmen actually grab materials and items and they figure out how to do things, like make fire or tools.

Not much combat to speak about other than Hunting, the only actual dangers are mammoths that will occasionally wander near/thru your village. at this point and time they are more of an annoyance than anything. almost not worth to hunt because of how much they take to take down, and the injuries your tribesmen get make it very much not worth it. you can get meat and wool from alpaccas safely.

Lastly, it really seems like updates on this game are VERY VERY slow. currently you can get to the end of the bronze age, with stone building and bronze tools. i would really like to see the techs continue, clothing, iron, ranged weapons. But again, i knew what i was getting myself into when i saw the last update was nearly a year ago. i REALLY hope this game isnt abandoned, if it's not it could possibly bve one of the best games of this genre.
Geplaatst 3 oktober 2023.
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42.3 uur in totaal (42.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Amazing game, my first Armored Core title. I didn't find it very difficult like a lot of people did (worst was 3 attempts at a boss) My ONLY negative thats not pvp related is how short it is. 42 hours (for me) to get all 3 endings, all combat logs, and most gear items (i have a few more left to find, but i own the entirety of the shop) and ive done a full run thru of repeating every mission for rankings, still need to re-do a few, AND you can't have 2 save files, so starting over and loosing my nearly maxed save would kind of suck. so the only thing left to do is pvp (not so much fun right now...) and replaying missions, and money is worthless now, so it's all for that S rank.

This game has some of my favorite fights in any game ever. For sure will be cemented in my memory as one of my favorite FromSoft titles.

PvP is not good right now lol. every single fight is the same because everyone uses the exact same build.
Geplaatst 31 augustus 2023.
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0.0 uur in totaal
Fun characters, cool new weapons. but please for the LOVE OF GOD.... please fire your translator and hire a new one. the new heroes are very complicated and have a lot of maths and min maxing, but the explanations and tool tips on their abilities make NO SENSE in english, it's just word vomit. I've been able to figure it out mostly just by trial and error but i'd really like to understand what the heck stuff is actually doing. Also youve got a bit of a power creep issue right now, the 2 new heroes are so brokenly OP theres little to no reason to play any of the older ones. Nona gets a nearly indestructible follower than can rez her (basically 100% necessary in higher reincarnation difficulties when playing solo) and the owl gets aim bot nuke throwing cards.

Last thing i wanna say is - when playing solo you should really get more than 1 revive, reincarnation level 6 is literally impossible solo, even base, un modified mobs will ONE SHOT you every time. you CANNOT get hit once. We need some more defensive scrolls, more ways to gain more shield/hp. I'm fighting things that can hit damage in the thousands and i have less than 300 effective hp.
Geplaatst 6 juli 2023.
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44.5 uur in totaal (34.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's cool, looks great, the customization of your heroes is awesome. But the content is as deep as a small puddle. Building your empire is not interesting, if you try to spec into multiple different kinds of tomes by end game you will not be able to win fights. If you wanna spec into Nature and Barbarian tomes, by end game youll be stuck with armies of Teir 3 unites while the roaming armies and NPC armies are filled with teir 6+ and you will not win those fights. This leads the "builds" to be so boring, once you do a Barbarian run, thats it. it wont change.

Getting Items for your heroes sucks in this version too. In planetfall you could buy gear for your units and heroes. in this one you can only get Hero items via clear camps, and it's 100% RNG. the AI doesn't seem to have this issue as late game their heroes will be fully decked out with gear while your main hero is the only with full slots. You can't even change gear/items on your units any more like in planetfall.

Early game is great but the late game is baaaaaaaaaaaad. not sure to recommend this or not. it's got good bones, but its paradox so they'll make you buy the rest of this shallow game via DLC, so it's gunna be a no.
Geplaatst 15 mei 2023.
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7.4 uur in totaal (6.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Terrible port. Buggy, Clunky combat and movement. Forget about controlling a Strider on MnK. Leave your Monitor refresh at 59 unless you want to crash constantly because its a bad port that cant handle anything over 60fps.

I dont even know how this game got so much praise "best game ever" and what not. It's Average at best. The Dialog isn't great, the lip sync is terrible. There's also an issue where everyone sounds like robots at the ends of their sentences. cut scenes and dialog are not skippable.

Fighting every machine is the same, dodge and shoot its weak spots, repeat. Enemy Human AI is really really dumb. They can discover dead bodies, but theres no way to move/hide bodies. SO you'll be clearing out an encampment, completely silent, then all of a sudden the entire area is alerted because a watcher found a body. So you just go loud every encounter, and it just gets repetitive.

The game is gorgeous ill give it that, and i am super into the overall plot line, i wanna figure out WHY this future earth is infested by these machine animals. but it has been a CHORE to play so far.
Geplaatst 20 maart 2023.
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57.4 uur in totaal (28.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a hard one to review. Long story short; the game is great, but performance is B A D.

I have a pretty decent PC, i can play things like Black Desert Online at max settings, as well as other comparably graphically intense games. I have to run this game on ALL LOW settings, as well as forcing the game into fullscreen (because its not an option in game) and it still stutters, a lot. mostly during combat and moving into a new area.

That said even on low settings the game is beautiful. The story is engaging, the characters are wonderful, and the combat is fun (when its not stuttering worse than Joe Biden).

The open world is fantastic, and MASSIVE. While in Hogwarts i don't think i've seen or found a single door that isnt openable. some of them are locked, which i assume i will get an unlock spell eventually, or locked via a puzzle. I foresee putting many many many hours into this game just exploring.

To end, I do recommend this game if you have an absolute beast of a PC, or you're willing to troubleshoot why it's stuttering (just google how to force steam games into full screen) And forget you people saying to boycott this game. Just being JKR isn't a great person doesn't mean you need to condemn the team that made this wonderful game. you can tell they were passionate about it, and they did good (hopefully performance will improve with patches) BUT for the sake of the review i will be setting it as negative, will change it if performance improvements come.
Geplaatst 10 februari 2023.
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51.2 uur in totaal (50.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Fantastic game, at 50 hours i have most progress/story lines 100%, the only one im missing at review time is the locations and hoards.

BEAUTIFUL game. i counted like 14 different ground types, including Mud and Slush. which have awesome physics with footsteps and your bike.

The story is a silly biker love story, try not to take it too serious. it has some good twists and i really fell in love with most of the characters.

Gameplay is a lot of fun, they get the over the shoulder shooter right. The bike is a lot of fun to ride. they did a good job.

Enemy type could be a bit more varried. most Human enemies just use AKs and shotguns, one headshot to kill.

Freaker(Zombie) Hoards are the best part of this game, the way they crawl over each other and bundle up is awesome to watch and experience. i think this game has some of the best zombie mechanics ive seen yet.

Some issues though, playing for longer than a couple hours would bring about huge massive stutters while riding the bike, having to restart the game every 2 hours kinda sucked. performance was great otherwise. Combat does get a bit stale, but thats mostly at the end when you have hundreds of rounds of ammo on you, everything still dies in one headshot (mostly) and the .50 bmg sniper kinda trivializes human enemies and a few special freaker variants.

Solid 8/10, i'd give it a 9/10 but any sequels/DLC have been CANCELED for no reason, leaving us with a MASSIVE CLIFFHANGER THAT WE WILL NEVER GET TO SEE CONTINUE.
Geplaatst 29 januari 2023.
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