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Скорошни рецензии на VicoftheVoid

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I was able to try this game pre-release during a live-stream, and while there were some bugs here and there, the devs were awesome enough to hotfix on the fly, so they're definitely attentive to any problems that may arise, which is a definite plus!

As far as the game itself goes, I've had a great time with it. I feel it gives a great, creeping horror kind of feeling, which I get a lot more enjoyment out of than constant jumpscares, which tend to wear thin after a while. The disconnected controls can sometimes make things a little difficult to focus your view on, but with what Archty has going on in his head...well...it just ends up adding something to it. It starts to feel like a disconnect between your hands and your mind, which actually ends up being a pretty effective way to express his instability..It's not easy for him to focus on things, so why have his focus be locked to the center of the screen? It ends up disorienting you, forcing you to focus more on what you're trying to do, so that when the game does unleash one of its scares on you, it catches you completely off-guard because you'll glimpse something out of the corner of your eye, question whether you saw it or not, then get hit in the face with it when you go for a second look. So I can see how it can be frustrating, but thematically I feel like it really makes sense.

Now that the game's released, I definitely plan to start going through and seeing how various things affect the different states, there's chances for a lot of things here, and for it being a first game from a 2 person team, I was impressed. Definitely can't wait to see the effects the events of Chapter 1 are going to leave on Archty in the coming chapters, especially as the team hones their skills to the fine point of an ice pick, to bury in our mental states.
Публикувана 19 септември 2015.
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