
Viceroy Puck®™ tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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kayıtlarda 79.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 12.5 saat)
The most fun I have with a game for years. Get the game. Its total chaos and I love every minute of it.
Yayınlanma 17 Şubat.
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kayıtlarda 120.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 64.1 saat)
You undoubtably have heard about the worst of this game, now the best. Basically the rest of it. Maybe its recency bias but the writing and gameplay more than make up for the spit wash performance. The side quests are either zany or gripping. The main quest is also just as good. If you were to ask me whether all the glitches and crashes were worth it, **** yes. But maybe wait for a more stable build with less glitches because then you will have an even greater time than I did. I had a ****ing fantastic time with this game and I am going to replay it at least 2 more times. That is a miracle for me as I barely make it through the first time of most games. GET THIS GAME but maybe wait.

Me, friendly neighbour stickler/pedant
Yayınlanma 17 Aralık 2020.
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kayıtlarda 608.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 114.7 saat)
IS great is what I said about the game after 114 hours on steam and many more on battlenet but I don't think that does this game justice mainly for the fact am now at 265 hours and still feel like there is plenty of interesting here because I haven't even made a full build yet or finished all of the 3 player dungeons(mini raids basically) and I havent even finished all the raids yet. There is plenty of fun and interesting content in the late game with the aforementioned raids being some of the best gaming experiences I have ever had. The main problems with the game is the balance which makes PvP a living nightmare where 90% of players are using the most powerful weapons and abilities just they can get their kicks or rush through the bounties for crucible making everyone else miserable but at least it is over quick for you right? No, its bad. Avoid crucible. Now I could complain about supers being in comp or heavy being in comp which I'm sure some make the games have more strategy but for me ends up having the random abandon heavy then we lose it and causes us to be on the back foot for the rest of the game. But because I tunnel vision the PvE content it means that I don't have the urges of mutilating myself with wire cutters. Went off a tangent there but yeah good game. 10/10 skyrim with guns.

Edit: lol
Yayınlanma 31 Ekim 2019. Son düzenlenme 26 Kasım 2020.
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kayıtlarda 128.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 74.5 saat)
This game is bad. There is no redeeming in the gameplay which is the most important part. The graphics are good for COD but compared to other games it is nothing special and the sound design is ok making the guns sound like guns. The guns also feel different but this is because they shoot at different speeds and nothing else. Now the gameplay. It unbalanced and terrible; i have been in a game where you must use 2-3 guns or you are at a sever disadvantage. This game is inconsistent with burst guns sometimes taking 2 bursts to kill and othdr times taking 5 bursts and you can not say that it is because health because I have played this game for 64 hours and when you stumble or spawns change so you are in the enemys spawn then one guy takes 1 burst to kill and the other takes 4-5. The netcode is terrible with trading being common place. I thought that because this was the most popular shooter at this point would have something oter than being a game with guns but it is AND THERE AREN'T EVEN MANY GUNS WITH 4-5 IN MOST GUNS TYPES. To compare Battlefield 4 has 12-14 guns in each section.......IN EACH SECTION. The peformance on PC is really bad; I can play GTA 5 on highest settings with 120 frames but this game will make me drop frames if I get into a fire fight where the enemy is within arms reach. I may be a salty child but it is because this game is unbalanced, a slap in the face to the FPS gaming industry and is lacking in content............. also the campaign is short and bad......... and so is zombies. Overall I would give this game a 3/10
Yayınlanma 30 Mart 2016.
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