幕後常見   Arcadia, California, United States
「幕後常見」,是因為它承載了從「司空見慣」到面對改變的過程,表達了一種在幕後冷靜觀察世界、適應環境並追求真相的精神。名字低調且深刻,富有時代性和個人意義。2024年11月20日 MRHKCO 正式改名為 幕後常見 意思同"司空見慣"是同一樣的意思含義 只是因為世界在改變 環境令我感覺到 最初我們都是司空見慣的心情對待一切現在只可以幕後常見的事 發生所以我隨著環境而改變我的名字 都有一些含義 期待你也會發掘相關的意思
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2025.03.15 - My new design
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VeilConsight Obscura Crest 領袖角色頭像
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VOHK - Veilconsight Obscuracrest Hong Kong
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177 Hours played
2024.03.15 - update

為了民主和自由 你願意踏上戰場上 與惡勢力 分一高下 對方是 昆蟲 和 機械人 所以我願意為民主和自由犧牲自己 背負著500 磅的民主重量 轟炸對方的惡勢力 地盤 所以這隻遊戲絕對推薦 希望大家都為未來的民主自由作出最大貢獻

2024.05.05 - update

Why does this game require a PSN connection when I'm using a PC? I don't understand why it's necessary to connect to PSN. I apologize, but I would like to request a refund. If the game requires a connection to PSN, it limits our freedom.

2024.05.06 - All Player Winner

Review Showcase
這隻遊戲我十分推薦 首先這個故事做得很好 可以慢慢睇當電影睇一樣 還是當卡通片睇都可以
My Computer Informations (2018-2023 year)
(2013/4) - Acer G246HL Abd 24-Inch Screen LCD-Lit Monitor
(2020) - LG 27BL65U-W 27" 3840 x 2160 4K Ultra HD 5ms DisplayPort 2xHDMI Radeon FreeSync HDR 400 Anti-Glare Backlit LED IPS Monitor

(2017/6 - 2021/) - ASUS LGA2011 5Way Optimization SafeSlot X99 EATX Motherboard (Rampage V Edition 10)
(2022) - ASUS ROG Strix Z690-E Gaming WiFi 6E LGA 1700 Intel 12th Gen ATX Gaming Motherboard

(2017/6 - 2021/) - Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (4x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3000MHz C15 Desktop Memory Kit - Black
(2022) - CORSAIR Dominator Platinum RGB 32GB (2 x 16GB) 288-Pin DDR5 SDRAM DDR5 5600

(2017/6 - 2021/) - Intel Core i7-5930K Haswell-E 6-Core 3.5GHz LGA 2011-v3 140W Desktop Processor BX80648I75930K
(2022) - Intel Core i9-12900K - Core i9 12th Gen Alder Lake 16-Core (8P+8E) 3.2 GHz LGA 1700 125W Intel UHD Graphics 770 Desktop Processor

(2017/6) - WD Blue 250GB Internal SSD Solid State Drive - SATA 6Gb/s 2.5 Inch
(2021/8) - Crucial BX500 2TB 3D NAND SATA 2.5-Inch Internal SSD, up to 540MB/s

(Old Model):
(2017/6) - Seagate 6TB Desktop HDD SATA 6Gb/s NCQ 128MB Cache 7200RPM 3.5-Inch Internal Bare Drive
(2013/4) - Seagate Barracuda 500 GB HDD SATA 6 Gb/s NCQ 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Bare Drive ST500DM002

(2020/3) - Seagate FireCuda Gaming (Compute) 2TB Solid State Hybrid Drive Performance SSHD – 2.5 Inch SATA 6GB/s Flash Accelerated for Gaming PC

(2017/6) - Corsair Hydro Series H100i v2 Extreme Performance Liquid CPU Cooler
(2022) - Thermaltake LGA1700 Upgrade Kit for Floe and Water 3.0 AIO Series Cooler, CL-O032-PL00BL-A

Video Card:
(2014/5) - PNY GeForce GTX 650 Ti Graphics Cards (VCGGTX650T1XPB)
(2018/5 - 2021/08) - ASUS GeForce GTX 1060 6GB ROG STRIX VR Ready HDMI 2.0 DP 1.4 Graphic Card (STRIX-GTX1060-6G-GAMING)
(2021/9) - ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 3060 Twin Edge 12GB GDDR6 192-bit 15 Gbps PCIE 4.0 Gaming Graphics Card, IceStorm 2.0 Cooling, Active Fan Control, Freeze Fan Stop, (ZT-A30600E-10M)

(2017/5 - 2021/11) - EVGA 750 GQ, 80+ GOLD 750W, Semi Modular
(2021/11) - ASUS ROG STRIX 1000W Gold PSU, Power Supply (ROG heatsinks, Axial-tech fan design, dual ball fan bearings, 0dB technology, 80 PLUS Gold Certification, fully modular cables, 10-year warranty)

Ethernet Cable Home Network :
(2020) - Cat 8 Ethernet Cable 24AMG Internet Patch Cable 2000Mhz 40Gbps High Speed

USB Hard Driver:
(2019) - Western Digital WD Elements 2 TB USB 2.0 Desktop External Hard Drive
(2020) - Easystore 5TB external USB 3.0 portable hard drive

(2021/12) - Razer - Barracuda X Wireless Stereo Gaming Headset for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Android - Black
(2019) - Logitech G933 Artemis Spectrum, Wireless RGB 7.1 Dolby and DTS Headphone Surround Sound Gaming Headset, White
(2017) - SteelSeries Arctis 3 All-Platform Gaming Headset for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, VR, Android, and iOS - White



(2017/6 - 2021/)Windows 10 64-Bit
(2022/6) - Windows 11 64-Bits
About ME (Q&A)
1. 源於「司空見慣」
「司空見慣」 的意思是對一切習以為常、平常心對待,而你感受到,隨著世界和環境的改變,很多事情已不再能夠公開直視,而是只能在「幕後」默默觀察和理解。
「幕後常見」 表達了從公開到隱藏的轉變,但仍然保持一種冷靜、深思熟慮的態度。
2. 適應世界的變化
「幕後常見」 表達了一種對環境改變的適應,以及從幕後洞察真相的能力,象徵對世界的洞察力和沉著。
3. 帶有神秘與深度
「常見」 則體現了冷靜、智慧和熟練的態度,表明即使在複雜的環境中,你仍然保持平常心,能看穿事物的本質。
4. 承載團隊與自我的精神
「幕後常見」 不僅是名字,更是一種態度,象徵在團隊或個人中低調行事但始終專注於追求真相和達成目標。


Q: 你是誰?
A: 我是 VeilConsight Obscura Crest (VCOC) 的創辦人,一個在英國統治時期的香港出生,現居於美國的香港人。我已經在美國生活了接近 22年,熱愛遊戲,尤其是 Path of Exile 2、Monster Hunter Wilds 和 Diablo 4。我希望透過這個國際化的社群,將來自世界各地的玩家聚集在一起,共享遊戲樂趣,建立彼此的聯繫,突破地域與語言的限制。

Q: 你嘅社群主打咩遊戲?
A: 我哋主力喺 Path of Exile 2、Monster Hunter Wilds 同埋 Diablo 4,不過我哋都會試下新遊戲,擴展大家嘅遊戲世界。

Q: 點解你會建立呢個社群?
A: 我希望畀玩家一個安全又充滿歸屬感嘅地方,無論你係邊個,都可以喺呢度找到隊友同朋友,一齊打怪、一齊贏。

Q: "VeilConsight Obscura Crest (VCOC)" 有咩意思?
A: 呢個名代表住團結、神秘同埋每位玩家嘅潛藏力量。佢亦象徵住我哋嘅冒險精神,穿越星空、陰影同荒野,創造屬於我哋嘅傳奇。

Q: 我可以點加入你嘅社群?
A: 非常簡單!只要加入我哋嘅 Discord,簡單介紹下自己,跟住就可以同大家一齊玩啦!新手老手都同樣歡迎!🎮

Q: 有冇咩規則要注意?
A: 要有禮貌,尊重其他成員,跟守則,最重要係玩得開心!詳細規則可以喺「規範」頻道睇到。

Q: 你幾時會再開實況?
A: 我而家暫時休息緊,預計會喺 2026年3月6日 再度開台!而家歡迎大家加入 Discord,同我哋一齊玩同互動。

Q: 我可以點樣幫助社群?
A: 當然可以!我哋歡迎所有有創意嘅人一齊參與,例如活動策劃、內容創作同支援新成員。如果你有興趣,可以直接聯絡我哋嘅管理員!

Q: Who are you?
A: I am the founder of VeilConsight Obscura Crest (VCOC), born in Hong Kong during the British colonial era and currently residing in the United States for almost 22 years. I am passionate about gaming, especially Path of Exile 2, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Diablo 4. Through this international community, I aim to bring together players from around the world to share the joy of gaming, build meaningful connections, and overcome the barriers of geography and language.

Q: What games do you focus on?
A: Our community primarily dives into Path of Exile 2, Monster Hunter Wilds, and Diablo 4. However, we also love exploring new worlds and expanding into other gaming realms.

Q: Why did you start this community?
A: I wanted to build a haven for gamers to share experiences, form bonds, and overcome challenges together. It's more than just gaming—it's about creating memories and forging friendships.

Q: What does "VeilConsight Obscura Crest (VCOC)" mean?
A: The name symbolizes unity, mystery, and the unseen strength behind every player. It reflects our shared journey through the stars, shadows, and wilds.

Q: How can I join your community?
A: It's simple! Head over to our Discord server, introduce yourself, and dive into the fun. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just starting, there's a place for you here.

Q: Are there any rules I should know?
A: Respect is key. Treat others kindly, follow the server guidelines, and don’t forget to have fun. Check out the Rules & Regulations channel for all the details.

Q: When do you stream?
A: I’m currently on a streaming break, but I’ll be back on March 6, 2026! Until then, join us on Discord for events, discussions, and gaming sessions.

Q: Can I contribute to the community?
A: Absolutely! We’re always looking for creative minds, event planners, and enthusiastic members to make VCOC even better. Just reach out to our team for ways to get involved.
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