Mathias Hensel   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Valve Employee

:blockade:If you have an important matter to discuss with me, please add me directly. Alternatively, you may leave a detailed comment on my profile regarding the matter. However, I cannot guarantee a response to profile comments then you may contact me though steam support

:blockade:For your own safety it is important that items should be checked, before engaging a direct trade especially when trading with an unknown steam user.

:secrectorder: New Project
:secrectorder: Valvetime Channel
:secrectorder: Valvetime Site []
:secrectorder: Steam Support
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
:shieldworks:Do Not Add Me To Discuss SteamRep Reports Or Appeals. If I Need Information From You I Will Contact You For It. NO EXCEPTIONS.

If You Use Me As A Mediator, Please Remember To Be Polite & Respectful At All Times, I Already Deal With Alot Of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Everyday....

:USstar:Services I provide::USstar:

:GreenCube:Item-to-Cash: I will hold an item while a cash transaction takes place. Once I confirm that the cash payment has been sent, I will trade the item to the buyer.

:LightRedCube:Item Validation: I will need to have a pending notification of the item, until then i must finish validating both items by extracting enough logs and data of both items. This may take 1-2minutes or it may take 72hours if mobile authenticator is not activated. Item validation must include certain parameters, which will be discussed when we talk. Remember: i cannot validate your item unless i get the pending notification of the specific item, which means it doesnt even have to leave your inventory, to verify your items.

:USstar:Services I do not provide::USstar:

:LightBlueCube:Codes: I will not be admin for trades that involve codes (i.e. Game Codes or CS:GO Collectible Pin Codes).
:LightRedCube:Gifting: I will not be an admin for trades that involve Steam Gifting, DOTA2 Gifting, or any similar form of trade.
:PinkCube:Obscure Payment Methods: I will not be an admin for trades that use payment methods I don't feel comfortable verifying myself.

:checkmate:DO NOT ADD ME TO BE AN ADMIN IF::checkmate:
:1up:-You didn't comment on my profile (I will not accept requests without a comment)
:1up:-Your profile level is below level 5
:1up:-Your account is less than 1 year old
:1up:-Your account has a trade probation

I reserve the right to decline MiddleMan Services to any user for any reason.

:checkmate:I WILL NOT BE AN ADMIN FOR::checkmate:

:1up:- Users with Scammer or Caution tags
:1up:- Users with Private/Friends Only Profiles or Inventory
:1up:- Cdkey, Real World Items, Gift Card Codes
:1up:- Cross Game Trades (I.E. TF2 Items for Runescape Gold)
:1up:- Anything I deem fraudulent or deceptive
:1up:- Gifting (I.E. Dota2 Gift Trades or Game Gifting to circumvent Valve Cooldowns)

I frequently have to go afk for RL. Do not get rage or get pissed if I do not accept your friend request or respond to your messages immediately.


:Timeglass:- My Profile will NEVER be private.
:Timeglass:- My Steam join date is: January 2nd, 2015 (3rd depending on the time zone you are viewing from)
:Timeglass:- I have over 666+ hours in CSGO.
Favorite Group
VλlveTime - Public Group
In Chat
Workshop Showcase
High quality POSTERS and STICKERS for your favourite skins with so much power featured in it displaying a unique artwork style.You can put them on the wall on your desk ,laptop, books etc Hope you guys enjoy much more to come!
2,659 ratings
Created by - Lil DOUD
6#VvN 25 Mar, 2016 @ 6:22am 
SoVi.365 23 Mar, 2016 @ 12:54pm 
:paradisepalm: Hello,
This Strange Profile Signed By SoVi
Steam Group Favorite :>
Steam Personal Group :>
Hope For the Best :woodlehappy::woodlehappy:
Don B Trade Banned 23 Mar, 2016 @ 10:07am 
+rep smooth and highly recommended!
BobilVan Kanonbil 23 Mar, 2016 @ 9:32am 
+Rep simply awesome
Uxy0 23 Mar, 2016 @ 8:17am 
+rep Top fragger <3
DovahCian 22 Mar, 2016 @ 12:08pm 
+rep Seems like a nice dude, pointed out that someone may be a scammer, no pressure to trade either!