Joe Beauchamp   Lancaster, Lancashire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Husband of one, father of two, master of none. I enjoy real-time & turn-based strategy, first/third-person shooters, and simulation games. A fan of the Los Angeles Chargers, 2000AD comics, Philosophy, whisky, and I own a large-ish collection of war movies. I'm super friendly, if you see me online feel free to say 'hi', but I am probably on my Xbox more these days than my PC. I also have a PSN, GoG, Origin & Uplay account, all of which is under the same username as my Steam account, so add me on any of those if you like! :KSmiley::approved:
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Vật phẩm đã sở hữu
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My last ever game in the CRT mech. Sidenote: har har developers, I see what you did there. Now to get my Bruiser Mech!
Trò chơi yêu thích
If you've scrolled down this far...
... you must be pretty bored. I could recommend some YouTube channels if you'd like? Or perhaps a videogame, I think I may own one or two of those. :spazwinky:
punkydrummer01 31 Thg10, 2017 @ 9:41am 
I see you
Will 17 Thg08, 2014 @ 3:06am 
i need more badges. please. :devilskiss:
RVA 20 Thg06, 2014 @ 10:38am 
Melissimas 14 Thg01, 2014 @ 7:55am 
Hi Joey ! you rock
UtopiaV1 20 Thg09, 2013 @ 5:20am 
Badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges!

Seriously Steam, I need more badges...
TwentyScoops 12 Thg08, 2013 @ 5:32am 
I will go Empire then as I think i can spre the 1 credit :beatmeat: