If I tunnel/slug, blame KnightLight and if you are mad at me for the chill pub build that I am using blame Spitzz <3
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Counter-Strike 2
1 1
† Die Alone † hace 9 horas 
-rep, тупоголовый человек который сразу же ливает после 1 повеса, отброс
Santiago Abascal 21 NOV a las 7:20 
-rep gay
76561198846307795 15 NOV a las 9:37 
just tell me why r u slugging at 5 gens? who hurt you?
Waldo 15 NOV a las 9:21 
-rep camper and cheater - enjoy ban idiot
KnightLight<3ikonic 14 NOV a las 8:51 
signed by KL
Kulanrad 5 NOV a las 8:29 
+rep gaming wizard