United States
StreetLamp 1月17日 21時15分 
Heard you were a pretty good NA player. (Top 1 3v3 EU player here.)
ky 1月9日 21時14分 
Do you seriously spend over 40 hours (not minutes) a week playing video games? Can't tell if you're joking. If not then... wow. The only game I could play for 40 hours is nfl 18 and that's because I enjoy kicking other people's asses (I have a natural instinct for strategy games and high-level thinking). But I can't because I'm an adult unlike y'all I presume. Damn high school was fun :/ minus the detentions for picking on the nerds, haha
wolfe 1月5日 13時33分 
hello is this thing on
Bruce 1月4日 23時43分 
i'm getting boxing lessons from the captain of the jewish debate team
caucasian deathchungus 1月2日 2時03分 
First comment of 2021 wooo !!! Love you 3000!
Jack Skellington 2024年12月3日 21時15分 
Come back bro