熊战士 Fuzzy Wuzzy 우르사
Ursa Warrior's   New York, United States
Before the invasion of the Scourge, a race of intelligent bears called furbolgs cultivated a quiet spiritual society deep in the heart of Azshara. With most of their kind murdered and corrupted by the Undead, the normally isolated furbolgs were forced to flee to the Sentinel for protection. In return, the furbolgs have sent their mightiest Ursa Warrior into battle on the Sentinel behalf. Enraged by the defilement of his people's sacred land, Ulfsaar is able to channel his fury into a series of extremely quick and brutal swipes, using his razor-sharp claws to overpower his foes and literally tear them apart.

BIO 背景 소개

Ulfsaar the Warrior is the fiercest member of an ursine tribe, protective of his land and his people. During the long winters, while the mothers sleep and nurse their cubs, the males patrol the lands above as tireless, vigilant defenders of their ancient ways. Hearing dim but growing rumors of a spreading evil, Ulfsaar headed out beyond the boundaries of his wild wooded homeland, intending to track down and destroy the threat at its source, before it could endanger his people. He is a proud creature with a bright strong spirit, utterly trustworthy, a staunch ally and defender.


전사 울프사르는 곰 부족에서도 가장 용맹스러운 전사로서 부족의 땅과 부족민을 수호한다. 긴 겨울 동안 어미들이 겨울잠을 자며 새끼들을 돌볼 때 수컷들은 쉬지 않고 대지를 순찰한다. 그들은 고대의 생활 방식을 지키며 부족을 수호하고자 한시도 경계를 늦추지 않는다. 울프사르는 악의 힘이 퍼져간다는 소문을 듣고 부족의 숲을 나섰다. 그는 악의 원천을 추적하여 위협을 뿌리 뽑으려 한다. 순수하고 강한 정신력을 지닌 울프사르는 믿음직하고 충성스러운 아군이자 수호자이다.

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