Chatian 18 Dec, 2023 @ 12:10am 
early merry ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boyo
st3eplejester[TTV] 19 Jun, 2023 @ 2:51pm 
+rep goofy knight guy love him :reheart:
Cluuu 20 May, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
+rep sucks I was running breakout and mettle against mad grit, but was fun. I got DC'd, so hope everything else went well!
GlacialPrimates 23 Apr, 2023 @ 1:30am 
+rep kissed me on the lips when we lost bc he promised. you can depend on this guy. he won't let you down
TheCryptdude 23 Dec, 2022 @ 8:56pm 
I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
76561199043557062 10 Aug, 2020 @ 5:21pm 
+rep, good teammate. send me friend request, so we can talk and play sometime :)
Clady 24 Jan, 2020 @ 1:35am 
Dota is trash
ReillyPP 8 Oct, 2019 @ 2:06am 
+rep he gave me the omega succ
Lethal Kittens 14 May, 2019 @ 2:05am 
Kptn Howdy 20 Feb, 2017 @ 2:46am 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Every ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you care about.
GreaseMaster 13 Feb, 2017 @ 11:50am 
Check the newest group announcement!
Kptn Howdy 1 Jan, 2017 @ 4:14pm 
happy new years
Moofins 24 Dec, 2016 @ 12:28pm 
Merry Christmas! :csdsmile:
Kptn Howdy 27 Oct, 2016 @ 6:10am 
๖Fayth<Ririn> 22 May, 2016 @ 2:01pm 
Winter is coming~ :snowflakes:
eep eep 15 Feb, 2016 @ 2:22pm 
Happy Valentine's Day, Turquoise~
Have a romantic time~ :heart:
๖Fayth<Ririn> 25 Dec, 2015 @ 4:37pm 
merry christmas~
Helvane Winterbourne 24 Dec, 2015 @ 3:26pm 

Merry Christmas~! :D:
Moofins 24 Dec, 2015 @ 10:54am 
Merry Christmas! c:
VenomousBackshotsTTV 24 Dec, 2015 @ 4:54am 
Merry Christmas! \:bbtcat:/
*Drops a present with a :candycane: in it*
QueenTyger 3 Dec, 2015 @ 11:41pm 
+rep my bff
Alas, maidenless Oh, maidenless 18 Oct, 2015 @ 2:44pm 
Dream med, ily.
Dorp 14 May, 2015 @ 3:46am 
+rep nice friendly trader
Scar 24 Dec, 2014 @ 1:14am 
Just wanted to say, you are the most positive, skilled 3k player ever. I love you. Thanks.
Cöffee 7 Oct, 2014 @ 3:19pm 
+rep nice trader!
SirChuckles 20 Sep, 2014 @ 11:57pm 
+rep nice guy easy smooth trader
Big Sneeze 6 Sep, 2014 @ 3:07am 
Can actually play Techies, small world.
Ahab 5 Jan, 2014 @ 12:55pm 
+rep nice trader
TimotheeChalametStan123 11 Nov, 2013 @ 7:39pm 
+rep,awsome guy polite and awsome trader
Sniper_Waifu 29 Jul, 2013 @ 12:31am 
+Rep, Polite and Fast Trader!~