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Останні рецензії користувача Trusted Toad

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Показані результати 1–10 із 12
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
37.6 год. загалом
not that fun. just side quests. its lame. dont get.
Додано 1 січня 2024 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
16.3 год. загалом (7.1 год на момент рецензування)
there's one the thing holding this game back from being a decent game. the combat is awful. every time you attack you fly forward. i'm not exaggerating when i say you go 10 feet with every attack. it has so much potential but its being held back by something that should be simple. Did a dev see this and say "i like the way i fly forward when i attack. LOL i died because i missed my attack and flew off a cliff"

If i was to compare this to a modern "souls like game" that came out recently, id go with lies of P. but this game is no where near as good as that game is. Especially the combat. Lies of P is butter and this is poop on toast. I feel like after every session i play, i have to play a smooth combat game so i don't go brain dead. A update that would stop flying attacks would be a drastic improvement. I'll keep going and see if this pile of butts has something to smile about. so far this sucks.
Додано 16 листопада 2023 р..
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171.9 год. загалом (171.2 год на момент рецензування)
Veterans of Dark Souls will find that this particular iteration stays true to the core formula. The weapons and the weapon assembly system was pretty satisfying. The story is a unique telling of the classic Pinocchio story. The setting and design is top notch and it runs very smooth. Soundtrack is great. I love the game-play and it's difficulty.
Game-play 9/10
Music 10/10 (favorite record is Quixotic non golden edition)
Sound effects 9.5/10
Voice acting 7/10
Додано 7 жовтня 2023 р..
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95.5 год. загалом (59.9 год на момент рецензування)
most balanced and fun souls-like game.

combat 10/10
atmosphere 10/10
movement 10/10

bosses can be hard but it doesn't take long to learn their patterns. the BEST thing about this game is parrying, its so satisfying and rewarding. there's never been a boss fight where i call bs and just not fair. I'd put this game over all souls-like games. its just too good and balanced.
Додано 18 вересня 2023 р..
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227.7 год. загалом (223.6 год на момент рецензування)
the gameplay and combat of this game is really good. everything in this game is so easy to follow and is a great game for first souls players. the other dark souls games ( remastered and 2) are monkey poop. theres a clear direction where ever you go and you never feel lost. i can always hop on this game and start a new character and never get bored.
Додано 11 лютого 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 5
3.2 год. загалом (1.8 год на момент рецензування)
i've never played a game with more awkward controls in all my life. there's so many problems with this games combat its unreal. as someone who's 100% dark souls 3, this game is awful. i cant name one good thing about this game. this game is actually easy. the only hard part about this game is the awful combat and movements of npc. why am i struggling when i can easily beat the nameless king in ds3? one word. actual good combat. it feels like im going brain dead trying to get use to this awful game. its so frustrating losing to a game because of the games trash combat rather than the players own skill. i'd rather replay ds3 10x over then deal with this trash. you'll see a similar review for dark souls 2. imagine if every souls game got remade to be like ds3. what a dream that would be
Додано 4 лютого 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 3
72.1 год. загалом (15.9 год на момент рецензування)
i've never played a game with more awkward controls in all my life. there's so many problems with this games combat its unreal. as someone who's 100% dark souls 3, this game is awful. i cant name one good thing about this game. this game is actually easy. the only hard part about this game is the awful combat and movements of npc. why am i struggling with the boat boss but i can easily beat the nameless king in ds3? one word. actual good combat. it feels like im going braindead trying to get use to this awful game. its so frustrating losing to a game because of the games trash combat rather than the players own skill. i'd rather replay ds3 10x over then deal with this trash. you'll see a similar review for dark souls:remastered.
Додано 4 лютого 2021 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
131.8 год. загалом (23.1 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
this game has a lot of potential. they need to make the ghost more scary. its mostly suspense that scares you, which isn't a bad thing. but the ghost also need to be give us fear as well. i'm at 23 hours as of this review and i notice some missions are very easy. soloing prison professional should be more harder than that. i get this is mostly a Ghost Hunting game. so the game focus's more on that aspect rather than the scary side of the game. this game feels like its 40% done and there's a lot they can do with this game to make it a horror game staple. I cant name a more fun co-op horror game than this game at the moment so hopefully this game continues to improve in the future.
Додано 7 січня 2021 р..
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295.1 год. загалом (107.9 год на момент рецензування)
it's a good game with plenty to do. the only problem I had was the DAWN GUARD DLC. A new player not knowing what hes doing can make the same mistake as me early on. You get the option to either join the Dawnguard or Vampires, please read both rewards to see what side you want. I highly recommend not joining either untill your're a good level and are mostly done with the main story because it will mess up youre early gameplay. HERES WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU JOIN ONE OF THE SIDES. when you join the Vampires, you can't generate stamina during the day and YOURE CONSTANTLY CHASED DOWN BY THE DAWN GUARD AT ANY TIME, 3 very strong member of the dawn guard will try to kill you ANYTIME ANYWHERE. joining the dawn guard doesnt do any of that. NOTE: EVEN WHEN YOU CURE YOUR VAMPIRISM YOU WILL STILL GET HUNTED DOWN AND CANT JOIN THE DAWN GUARD.?!?!!?!? so you cant get the dawn guard rewards. pepehands
Додано 11 серпня 2019 р..
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59.7 год. загалом (34.9 год на момент рецензування)
the gameplay is what you're here to play mostly. The story is not that interesting. You could careless about the story and characters.

final conclusion: gameplay/weapons: 8.5/10.
Story/characters: 3.5/.10
Додано 15 лютого 2019 р..
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Показані результати 1–10 із 12