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0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 295.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (107.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2019. aug. 11., 6:36

it's a good game with plenty to do. the only problem I had was the DAWN GUARD DLC. A new player not knowing what hes doing can make the same mistake as me early on. You get the option to either join the Dawnguard or Vampires, please read both rewards to see what side you want. I highly recommend not joining either untill your're a good level and are mostly done with the main story because it will mess up youre early gameplay. HERES WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU JOIN ONE OF THE SIDES. when you join the Vampires, you can't generate stamina during the day and YOURE CONSTANTLY CHASED DOWN BY THE DAWN GUARD AT ANY TIME, 3 very strong member of the dawn guard will try to kill you ANYTIME ANYWHERE. joining the dawn guard doesnt do any of that. NOTE: EVEN WHEN YOU CURE YOUR VAMPIRISM YOU WILL STILL GET HUNTED DOWN AND CANT JOIN THE DAWN GUARD.?!?!!?!? so you cant get the dawn guard rewards. pepehands
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