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投稿日: 2018年7月12日 10時57分
更新日: 2020年5月24日 11時05分

This game is a great sandbox game. In Terraria mining is tedious, but also fun. There are 21 ores you can find in one world. Even if you're done with one world you can always make a new one with a new character or the same character you previously used on your last world. In Terraria you can build massive structures, that are only limited by the size of your world. On top of being able to build massive structures, you also get to fight large bosses, which in my opinion is what sets the difference between Minecraft and Terraria. Bosses are what makes the game fun as the bosses are fun to fight, especially in expert mode. The game takes a long time to finish, but it just gives you more time to build your base and fight bosses, there are also many different invasions in the game. Whenever you get bored of the game you can always switch difficulties, and if you get bored of the content in general, there are a ton of mods in Terraria for you to choose from. Overall a good game and my first ever game on steam.
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