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2 people found this review helpful
151.3 hrs on record (33.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game's f****** awesome. PocketPair kind of dropped the ball with Craftopia, but this game feels like it was specifically targeted towards my taste.
An open world survival RPG with monster taming tactics, WITH GUNS? That's ALSO multiplayer?!??!?!?
Sign me up.

Just saying though; if this game was made by GameFreak, I don't think there'd be a single downvote. The copium is ridiculous; game's not a rip off, the twitter drama is fake, and if Nintendo had an argument, they probably would have stepped in before the game got as big as it has. Just enjoy the game. It's a good game.
Posted 27 January, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
440.3 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
300+ hours in and I will tell you that the tutorial is okay. This game feels like it has so much potential to be something good, and I really hope Com2us puts more effort to make this game more flushed out.

In a world where Tower of Fantasy, Genshin Impact, AzurLane, and Epic Seven exist, Com2us offering a genshin-like experience with the same characters you've grown attached to over a decade may or may not fail - so far, I'm mildly impressed, but the game has a lot of upward room to grow.

I'm gonna come out and say it though; Game's "Pay to win" - the amount of free summons the game gives you while you progress though more than makes up for this though. You can buy more summon chances, which give you a chance to roll a higher grade monster than everyone else has making the game much easier. If that scares you, there's still a free to play option, and it is possible to clear all content without spending a cent, however know that 3* monsters vs 5* monsters is such a huge gap in the endgame, after about 400 hours of solid gameplay.

The game's quest system plays itself for the most part. You can click the quest again to turn off autopathing - Definitely a drawback if you ask me as people like to actually play the game instead of just clicking buttons and watch the game play itself. There are dungeons that you have to manually fight, which makes the player actually play the game, which is nice.

Controls are alright, just a little finicky to get used to, I've definitely seen worse. Definitely feels like the game was built for mobile devices but on the PC it's not that bad.

Layout and UI has some good customization so my screen doesn't look more crowded than a sports bar during the superbowl, thank god - seen this too many times with games like these.

Overall, I'm getting some major Black Desert Mobile vibes from this, and as someone who worked with Pearl Abyss on that launch as a beta tester in the West, that's some alright praise. Game just needs more content but the game's been out for like maybe a month so that's on me if anything.

Servers are a bit cluttered from launch, but have smoothed out over time. Good job Com2us!

Mobs are divided into star levels to match their power. They're summonable via scrolls, for those of you who've never touched a Summoners War Game, it's a gacha system. Higher star means better monster, 5 being the absolute best.

Summon rates are a little low if you ask me: 90% for a 3star is kind of nuts, it should be more like 85%. Make 4 stars 13%, 5 stars 2%. People would be more likely to spend money. 90-9-1 split frightens the mid-level whales from dumping money in, because the chances of putting 100 dollars in and getting something huge goes from 1 in 50 to 1 in 21.2 or something absurd like that, meaning the odds go from "statistically improbable" to "you might but its profitable for us still." Genshin did this at the beginning and look how much money they made by making it SLIGHTLY easier to get something decent.

I digress.

If you've played summoners war, this game is a good callback to it.
If you've played a mobile MMO before, like Black Desert Mobile, with auto features, this game is for you.
If you've spent 500 dollars on AFK Arena, this game is for you.

If you care about story, care about meaningful worldbuilding, and open-world environments that feel mystical and surreal, much like the hit game FFXIV, this game is the antithesis for what you would like; stay far away.

If you're a whale who's been bought by Tencent, Com2us, or Gamevil, then welcome home.
If you're F2P minmaxer who likes to say skill>luck and that you can best the best without spending a cent; test your mettle vs this game and tell me if you become someone who pays to win after it.
If you're a gambler, stay far away, games like this can be really addicting.

Overall, my opinion remains the same. It's a good game! 8/10 would recommend trying it.
Posted 12 November, 2022. Last edited 3 December, 2022.
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95.7 hrs on record (94.2 hrs at review time)
I've played a ton of this game over my lifetime. Some offline, some online. And what I will say is - this game is one that has stood the test of time. It doesn't matter what genre of the gaming world you're from, or if you're even a gamer - it's just a great game with a lot of flexibility in terms of what you want to do. Want to build an awesome base? There's an App for that. Wanna throw a boomerang? There's an app for that. Want to destroy a huge boss that turns the world into hardmode? There's. An. App. For. That. Wanna swing a sword, shoot a bow, cast magic, turn into a werewolf, fly, slay a wyvern, discover hidden gems, and play perhaps one of mankind's greatest games?
Buy the game if you haven't already. You won't regret it.
Posted 25 December, 2020.
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1,317.7 hrs on record (1,216.2 hrs at review time)
This is by far one of the best Voxel-based games out there. Gamigo has done a great job of keeping this game alive and well. If you've never tried this game, try it out. You may find yourself immersed and happy once you understand what to do in the game. Clubs, recipe hunting, building, dungeon running, PvP, battle royale - there's something for everyone in this game.
Posted 22 April, 2020.
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