UB & 1VNA & TO 4. čvc. 2024 v 7.37 
бань:steamthumbsup:г а в н:steamsad:е б а н о е:steamthumbsdown:
Mo 11. říj. 2023 v 8.33 
yeah fu­ck u ogu kids, u know what? u might have more bitcoin and internet popularity points than me but if i see u irl ur fu­c­­king dust. u cant autoclaim urself out of these fu­c­king hands u f­u­c­­king nerd i will have u locked down faster than a brand new twitter og. ur egirl who is probably f­u­ck­ing another discord mod wont save u from the absolute gods wraith i will unleash upon ur soul. look bro, i bench 450 and deadlift 640 all natty, ur feet pics and gamertags wont bench or deadlift half that. good luck trying to turbo urself out of ur hospital bills u fu­cking lemonheads.
PregusCat 18. bře. 2022 v 11.56 
Mo 31. čvc. 2021 v 9.38 
Mo 31. čvc. 2021 v 9.38 
Mo 31. čvc. 2021 v 9.37 
Mo 19. kvě. 2021 v 13.24 
`Thank you for the gay sex daddy :3
Your kitten will wait for your cummies >.<
Nya!!! daddy i miss u!!!!
We havent talked in 2 hours :(((
I wuv u <3 :ALsleepemoji:
Mo 27. pro. 2020 v 7.26 
So you're going by "Febeau" now nerd? Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me we played rust together stupid ♥♥♥♥♥? Me and the guys used to give you a hard boner in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Ryler the boy you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic.."
Anita Max Wynn! 26. dub. 2020 v 10.19 
Lexus fanboy <3
✪coco tiganu 31. led. 2020 v 13.25 
+rep veri good plajer

Kaether 31. led. 2020 v 10.13 
even tho he is black, hes kinda chill.
Pauxy 22. led. 2020 v 11.59 
fe bowo
Mo 11. pro. 2019 v 11.34 
-rep u low skill gamer ,880 hours csgo and suck, u mom died , ♥♥♥♥ing dog animeshnik, u ♥♥♥♥ing kid and u mom suck and u
Mo 8. lis. 2019 v 11.44 
+rep im his egirl xayah on league :sadisthappy:
Mo 21. říj. 2019 v 5.02 
What it’s like being a woman in the gamer world
“♥♥♥♥!” he called me. I’d only been logged in for a minute.

“You suck at this game because she takes no skill to play,” he taunted, after I chose the character I wanted to be.

“You’re teaming with your male friend. You must be an e-girl,” he laughed. According to Urban Dictionary, an e-girl is “a girl who is a ♥♥♥♥ over the internet.”

Being a girl in the gaming community is stressful. A lot of women in the community struggle deal with the constant misogyny, mostly from men, in video games. They call women names and troll them online.
Mo 21. říj. 2019 v 5.02 
How do I know this? Because I experience it on a daily basis.

I began playing “Overwatch,” a multiplayer first-person shooter game, two years ago. Some argue “Overwatch” supports a toxic community in general — that all players get harassed. Sure, every fandom can have a toxic component, but let’s be real; it’s worse for girl gamers.

I chose to main, meaning play one character, Mercy, more than others. It’s a stereotype in the “Overwatch” community that every woman plays Mercy because she doesn’t have to aim her weapon and the player can just hold down a button to heal her teammates. But I chose Mercy because I grew up playing the priest class in “World of Warcraft,” and the support role interested me ever since.
Mo 21. říj. 2019 v 5.02 
et despite the fact I had a legitimate reason for my decision — that my choice wasn’t based on weakness — I still let the trolls get to me.

Because of their name-calling, I began playing a variety of other characters. I made the switch not because I was embarrassed to have chosen Mercy like other female players, but because I wanted to prove the trolls wrong, to prove to my male gaming peers I could play another character.

One day I was playing competitive rank, a mode in “Overwatch” that allows you to play against other people with the same skill level, with a couple of friends. They had a friend who verbally attacked me for playing the character Mercy.

“You only know how to play Mercy. You suck at this game because she takes no skill to play,” he said. “Play a role other than support. Here, I’ll take Mercy from you and you can take my damage role.”

This boy yelled at me through my headset. I had never met him in my life.
Mo 21. říj. 2019 v 5.02 
In an attempt to prove this random guy wrong, I took his role, but I wound up losing the competitive game for our group. I blamed the loss on myself because he made me feel uncomfortable with his non-stop name-calling and forced me into a role in which I wasn’t as skilled.

I felt really crappy that evening and held all my negative feelings inside.

In another example, I was playing “Overwatch” with a male friend when another player called me an “e-girl” repeatedly, simply because my internet was bad. (Since when is Comcast’s sucking my problem?) The player on my team, the one who was calling me names, thought I was trolling to make him lose the match purposely, when of course I wasn’t.
Mo 21. říj. 2019 v 5.02 
In other instances, users have called me an “e-girl” — repeatedly — simply because I was teaming with my male friend. It’s frustrating and enraging that other guys assume my relationship with my friend is romantic or sexual — or anything more than friendship — simply because I’m a woman and he’s a man.

Because of all of these incidents and countless others, I don’t turn on my mic anymore. Once guys hear a female voice, they start to target me with names, or they just laugh at me. This only seems to happen in online gaming because in offline games, such as role-playing games, no one can bother you, and you can enjoy being by yourself without trolls.

I still get harassing messages calling me names. And if the trolls can’t get to me directly, they’ll message my teammates to talk trash. It doesn’t help that my PlayStation username happens to be “girly,” making it easy for enemy teammates to focus on me in the game and making it impossible for me to enjoy.
Mo 21. říj. 2019 v 5.02 
So what’s the point of playing?

While the harassment may get to me every now and then, I have become more confident in myself thanks to gaming. I know I can’t stop every troll, but I can prove them wrong one-by-one by continuing to play and prove their words don’t get to me. The more skillful I become, the more they’ll have to respect me.

Online trolls won’t ever stop me from playing because if I stop, they will have won.

And I’m way too competitive to lose.
^059 ^0/^3/^7/ 1. čvn. 2019 v 7.14 
fa got wh
Mo 28. bře. 2019 v 11.05 
Beste "Febeau"

Terug op het aanvraag van een ww-uitkering: u kunt momenteel geen ww-uitkering krijgen omdat u niet ingeschreven staat in de UWV. Jammer genoeg moet u 7 dagen wachten omdat u op het rode lijst staat omdat u aan het "flexen" was op werkelozen en daarna "honden porno" hebt gefilmt. Wij vinden dit soort gedrag niet smakelijk. Hopelijk kunt u het begrijpen en fijne dag verder.

Henk Peterson
Mo 20. úno. 2019 v 10.54 
ps. hyves is gay net als u
Mo 20. úno. 2019 v 10.54 
Beste Poep opruimer

Laat ik alvast eventueel het landelijke volkslied van Ali Halali Tosti 7 bekend maken: Wist je al dat Ali B heel goed tosti's kan bakken? De rapper was acht jaar geleden dan ook niet te beroerd om zijn kookkunsten te delen. Tijdens RTL Late Night werden de legendarische beelden opnieuw getoond en zelfs Ali B weet niet wat hij ziet... Eén ding is zeker: je weet nu wel hoe je de beste Tosti Ali Halali moet bakken. Nu dat u het weet wil ik vriendelijk zeggen: Kanker op homomiet.

Met loli porn,
EatThat♥♥♥♥♥445 Jr. Jr.
Mo 20. úno. 2019 v 10.42 
ps. ik heb een scheetje gelaten
Mo 20. úno. 2019 v 10.42 
Beste B. Bert

Ik had een melding gekregen dat ik niet meer een broodje mag halen behalven als ik mijn poep opruim dat ik in het hoekje van uw winkel had gepoept. Maar daar ben ik het niet eens mee dus wil ik dit naar het rechtzaak nemen. Ja uw kunt het gezegte: "Mijn kontje gaat echt verkracht worden" gebruiken. Hopelijk krijg ik zo snel mogelijk een reactie.

Met Vele malen minder vriendelijke groet,
EatThat♥♥♥♥♥445 Jr. Jr.
Mo 20. úno. 2019 v 10.28 
is dit de speciale uitkering legende stijder die "Febeau" heet? nou ik ben blij dat u mijn kont kapot wilt maken. Ik zou het ook graag willen bij u maar geen homosexualiteit. fijne dag jonge ♥♥♥♥♥

Met vriendelijke groet,
EatThat♥♥♥♥♥445 Jr. Jr.
Mo 22. led. 2019 v 7.06 

Higlight the numbers.
Press Ctrl + F
Then press 9.
Mo 1. led. 2019 v 7.08 
♥♥♥♥♥ sex
Dan27032 13. pro. 2017 v 3.07 
this guy XD
EyeMustache 17. říj. 2017 v 13.48 
+rep mn chigga zit nog vast
Pauxy 12. čvc. 2017 v 11.13 
┃  ● ══  █ ┃
┃█ ur adopted. █┃
┃█ -Mom&Dad █┃
┃   ○    ┃
Pauxy 6. kvě. 2017 v 10.49 
Keep steam cool. Post this windmill on 5 friends profiles.
BrianD 25. bře. 2017 v 19.39 
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dylan 17. úno. 2017 v 6.15 
+rep csgo god
Someday 28. led. 2017 v 11.09 
+rep my BIACHT
Rokt 6. pro. 2016 v 10.04 
i like ur mom
KING TIKLE / Gamdom.com 16. zář. 2016 v 4.49 
add me dude
Pauxy 4. čvc. 2016 v 7.43 
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