Festive Sup
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~Unusual List of 2017~
Unusual Counterfeit Billycock {Miami Nights} :partydisk:
Unusual Broadband Bonnet {Memory Leak} :wsdragon:
Unusual Broadband Bonnet (Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Nanobalaclava {Steaming} :sunracer:
Unusual Nanobalaclava {Steaming} [Team Spirt] :sunracer:
Unusual Ol' Snaggletooth {Smoking} :NinjaSmoke:
Unusual Coupe D'isaster {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Hetman's Headpiece {Steaming} [Extraordinary Abundanace of Tinge] :sunracer:
Unusual Hetman's Headpiece {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Virtual Reality Headset {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Trash man {Aces High} :acecard:
Unusual Sultan's Ceremonial {Nut n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Carouser's Capotain {Searing Plasma} :greenslime:
Coupe D'isaster {Searting Plasma} [Australium Gold] :greenslime:
Unusual Jumper's Jeepcap {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Hard Counter {Green Confeti} :luckclover:
Unusual Tam O' Shanter {Orbiting Planets} :earth1:
Unusual jumper's Jeepcap {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Elf Esteem {Massed Flies} (Strange) :fly:
Unusual Wing Mann {Neutron Star} :dqportal:
Unusual Dead Cone {Blizzardy Storm} :mpow:
Unusual Front Runner {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return) {Searing Plamsa} :greenslime:
Unusual Pyro's Boron Beanie {Aces High} :acecard:
Unusual Bloke's Bucket Hat {Blizzardy Storm} :mpow:
Unusual Defiant Spartan {Searing Plasma} [Australium Gold] :greenslime:
Unusual Halogen Head Lamp {Dead Presidents} :money:
Unusual Dr's Dapper Topper {Circling TF Logo} [Distinctive Lack of Hue] :sentry:
Unusual Big Topper {Tesla Coil} :tesla2:
Unusual Ze Goggles {Sunbeams} YellowCube:
Unusual Rimmed Raincatcher {Kill-A-Wat} :Lightning:
Unusual Buccaneer's Bicorne {Orbiting Plantets} :earth1:
Unusual Taunt: Battin' a Thousand {Infernal Flames} :lavalamp:
Unusual Bonk Helm {Orbiting Fire} :shcfire:
Unusual Elf Esteem {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Killer Exclusive {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Base Metal Billycock {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Bootleg Base Metal Billycock {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Outdoorsman {Orbiting Fire} :shcfire:
Unusual L'homme Burglerre {Terror-Watt} :Lightning:
Unusual Janissary Ketche {Cloud 9} :8bitheart:
Unusual Ol' Geezer {Miami Nights} [An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge] :partydisk:
Unusual Tam O' Shanter {Orbiting Plantets} :earth1:
Unusual Frenchman's Beret {Searing Plasma} [Pink as Hell] :greenslime:
Unusual Teutonic Toque {Cloud 9} :8bitheart:
Unusual Cotton Head {Nut n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Runner's Warm-Up {Haunted Ghosts} :MercyGhost:
Unusual Stormin' Norman {Searing Plasma} :greenslime:
Unusual Elf Esteem {Massed Flies} :fly:
Unusual Industrial Festivizer {Dead Presidents} :money:
Unusual Towering Pillar of Hats {Neutron Star} :dqportal:
Unusual Powdered Practitioner {Cloud 9} [Pink As Hell] :8bitheart:
Unusual Respectless Rubber Glove {Steaming} [A Distinctive Lack of Hue] :sunracer:
Unusual Reggaelator {Orbiting Fire} :shcfire:
Unusual Barnstormer {Orbiting Fire} :shcfire:
Unusual Grenadier's Softcap {Kill-a-Watt} :Lightning:
Unusual Buccaneer's Bicorne {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Buccaneer's Bicorne {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Frenchman's Beret {Miami Nights} :partydisk:
Unusual Samur-Eye {Steaming} :sunracer:
Unusual Modest Metal Pile of Scrap {Steaming} :sunracer:
Unusual Wide-Brimmed Bandito {Starstorm Slumber} :WellDone:
Unusual Prancer's Pride {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Magnificent Mongolian {Bubbling}
Unusual Infernal Impaler {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Company Man {Dead Presidents} :money:
Unusual Dragonborn Helmet {Green Confetti} :bsgrenade:
Unusual Tippler's Tricorne {Searing Plasma} :greenslime:
Unusual Teutonic Toque {Miami Nights} :partydisk:
Unusual Buckaroos Hat {Circling TF Logo} :sentry:
Unusual Whoopee Cap {Blizzardy Storm} :mpow:
Unusual Tam O' Shanter {Bubbling} [Team Spirt] :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual A Head Full of Hot Air {Atomic} :Uranium:
Unusual Ye Oiled Baker Boy {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Pyro's Beanie {Circling TF Logo} :sentry:
Unusual Backbiter's Billycock {Steaming} :sunracer:
Unusual Stately Steel Toe {Sulphurous} :SYMScoin: | Brokered |
Unusual Towering Pillar of Hats {Massed Flies} :fly: | Brokered |
Unusual Prancer's Pride {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles: | Brokered |
Unusual Dread Knot {Blizzardy Storm} :mpow:
Unusual Napoleon Complex {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles: | Brokered |
Unusual Respectless Rubber Glove {Orbiting Planets} :earth1:
Unusual Big Elfin Deal {Orbiting Planets} :earth1:
Unusual I See you Taunt {Hellish Inferno} :EvilHexagram:
Unusual Triboniophorus Tyrannus {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Ol' Geezer {Green Confetti} :luckclover:
Unusual Attendant {Orbiting Planets} :earth1:
Unusual Flipped Trilby {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Modest Metal Pile of Scrap {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Handyman's Handle {Disco Beat Down} :B1:
Unusual Whoopee Cap {Steaming} :sunracer:
Unusual Pure Tin Capotain {Frostbite} :orb:
Unusual Napper's Respite {Circling Peace Sign} :sentry:
Unusual Brain Bucket {Overclocked} :Die:
Unusual Elf Esteem {Circling TF Logo} :sentry:
Unusual Wide-Brimmed Bandito {Tesla Coil} :tesla2:
Unusual Sober Stuntman {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Valley Forge {Dead Presidents} :money:
Unusual Outdoorsman {Green Confetti} :bsgrenade:
Unusual Cyborg Stunt Helmet {Smoking} :NinjaSmoke:
Unusual Big Elfin Deal {Steaming} :sunracer:
Unusual El Jefe {Stormy Storm} :flyingbat:
Unusual Vintage Merryweather {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Doctor's Sack {Aces High} :acecard:
Unusual Helmet Without a Home {Bubbling} :SparkleBubbles:
Unusual Outdoorsman {Blizzardy Storm} :mpow:
Unusual Gentleman's Ushanka {Orbiting Planets} :earth1:
Unusual Large Luchadore {Smoking} :NinjaSmoke:
Unusual Steel Shako {Cloud 9} :8bitheart:
Unusual Scotsman's Stove Pipe {Circling Heart} :Heartyou: | Brokered
Unusual Capo's Capper {Kill-A-Watt} :Lightning:
Unusual Madame Dixie {Unusual Madame Dixie}
Unusual Stately Steel Toe {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Elf Esteem {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Otolaryngologist's Mirror {Nuts n' Bolts} :scrap:
Unusual Handyman's Handle {Green Black Hole} :hooisnail:
:orb:~This list is no longer being updated ;p:
Review Showcase
34 Hours played
roses are red
violets are blue
there is always an asian
better than you
Featured Artwork Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - Misfiring
I notice many players are having trouble paying back debt starting on week 3 or so, when the payment gets substantial. This guide will help those players without bogging things down with spreadsheets and data.
Favorite Game
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Workshop Showcase
自带音乐播放器的歌曲来自Aliya 音画集,顺序为 1.Aliya 2.Drift 3.Response 4.Letter 5.Astral Sunset 6.Tranquil Repose 动态效果是借鉴他人制作的(抱歉) 原作者链接 https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3339660911 最后 Aliya真的很感人
304 ratings
Created by - moyu
Completionist Showcase
Recent Activity
18.2 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
4,040 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
124 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
CyberSiren 28 Feb @ 7:15am 
五月满花开 3 Feb @ 9:47am 
Festive Sup 23 Jan @ 1:06am 
IGNITION Touka 15 Jan @ 9:15pm 
Yeah. That's true. He is incredibly sweet. :YuukaHappy:
lilemma2 12 Jan @ 8:17pm 
Super sweet guy :steamhappy:
Game Explorer ❄ 31 Dec, 2024 @ 5:28am 
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