[TW]Sergeant Beanbag
HE   Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan
Alpha Prime (mod)!
https://www.moddb.com/mods/alpha-prime-dominus-prime/downloads/alpha-prime-dominus-prime-v75 :steamhappy:


This game will empty your nuts. Buyers be aware.

10/10 will nut again.

弟弟玩到虛脫 非常值得!
HoneyCome come come party
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HoneyCome come come party
Join To-Day !!!
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49 時間プレイ
Bioshock+ Prey+ Doom+ Half-Life+ Far Cry= Atomic Heart

The Good :
1. Marvelous Art design and Style.
2. Excellent soundtrack and sound design.(From Mick Gordon composition to 80's soviet
songs, all bangers!)
3. Beautiful animations both 3D and 2D.
4. Heart pounding gameplay consist of Doom(2016) combat and Bioshock, Prey RPG-lite
5. Open world design like Far Cry+Far Cry 2.
6. Story inspired by Bioshock and Half-Life.
7. There's dungeons to explore.
8. Great overall pacing, not really any fillers.
9. Great overall length. (approximate 14-16 hours.)
10. Three endings.
11. A clever and thoughtful NEW GAME PLUS mode makes you want to revisit the place.
12. Great PC optimization.
13. Multi language voice overs, including Chinese!
14. Voice overs and subtitle language can be adjust individually. (I play with Chinese VO and
English sub)
15. Clever lines and scenario that makes you laugh out loud. (Kudos to the Chinese voice
actors :D)
16. You can watch whole episode of 80s soviet cartoon "Nu Pogadi" inside the game. :D
17. High production values.
18. Sexy and horny robots.
19. Do I mention the sexy and horny robots?

The Bad :
1. Unlikable protagonist. (Grumpy all the time and really lack any redeemable personality.)
2. Convoluting plot that feels too try-hard and has some plot hole.
3. Some enemy design are kind of annoying.
4. Open world feels life-less like in Far Cry 2.
5. Stealth mechanism is useless to near non existence.
6. Enemy respawn way too fast. (Even Far Cry 2 blush it face.)

The "so-so" :
1. Some characters are not likable for me, like the female doctor with purple hair.
2. No environment kills like in Bioshcok. (ie. No electrify waters, set fire on old puddles...etc)
2. Could add more depths to the polymer abilities not making it a simple cooldown skill.
3. Could add some deadly physic objects. (Why there's no explosion barrels when you
have a gravity-gunish glove, come on Mundfish!)
4. Could add some physic base puzzles. (Hello, you have a gravity-gunish glove, Mundfish!)
5. Too many puzzle-base door locks that could piss off some players.
6. No Ray-Tracing graphic option at this moment.
7. Some voice over could be less convicing and somewhat annoying. (Like the English VO)

Final Verdict :

8/10. ( 9/10 if you are Bioshock or Prey fans.)

A flawed but marvelous work with a lot of potential. Bravo and keep up the good work, Mundfish!


生化奇兵+ 獵魂+ 毀滅戰士+ 戰慄時空+ 孤島驚魂= 原子之心

1. 奇妙的藝術、設計和風格。
2. 優秀的配樂和聲音設計。(從Mick Gordon的作曲到80年代的蘇聯歌曲,全都嗨翻天!)
3. 精美的3D和2D動畫。
4. 令人心潮澎湃的遊戲玩法包含《毀滅戰士》(2016) 的戰鬥和《生化奇兵》、《獵魂》的精簡版RPG元素。
5. 像孤島驚魂+孤島驚魂2這樣的開放世界設計。
6. 故事靈感來自《生化奇兵》和《半條命》。
7. 有地下城可供探索。
8. 整體節奏很好,沒有任何拖戲成分。
9. 總長度很長。(大約14-16小時。)
10. 三個結局。
11. 巧妙而貼心的NEW GAME PLUS模式讓你想重遊此地。
12. 出色的PC優化。
13. 多語言配音,包括接地氣的中文配音!
14. 配音和字幕語言可分別調整。(我玩的是中配加英文字幕)
15. 巧妙的台詞和橋段,讓你笑出聲來。 (向中文配音員致敬)
16. 您可以在遊戲內觀看80年代蘇聯動畫片《Nu Pogadi》的全集。 :D
17. 十足的潛力股。
18. 性感又飢渴的機器人。
19. 我有沒有提到性感和飢渴的機器人?

1. 不討人喜歡的主角。 (總是脾氣暴躁,缺乏可討人喜歡的個性。)
2. 情節錯綜複雜,感覺太費力,有一些情節漏洞。
3. 有些敵人的設計有點煩人。
4. 開放世界感覺像《孤島驚魂 2》中一樣毫無生氣。
5. 潛行機制不實用或近乎不存在。
6. 敵人重生速度太快。(比《孤島驚魂 2》還誇張)

1. 有些角色我不太喜歡,比如紫髮女醫生。
2. 沒有像《生化奇兵》這樣的環境擊殺。 (像: 使水域通電,使油漬燃燒起來...等。)
2. 可以為聚合物能力添加更多深度, 不要只像簡單的冷卻技能。
3. 可以添加一些致命環境物體。 (為什麼當你戴著重力槍手套時卻沒有爆炸桶可用,搞甚麼 Mundfish!)
4. 可以添加一些物理類型謎題。 (靠北,你有重力槍手套耶,Mundfish!)
5. 太多的謎題門鎖可能會激怒一些玩家。
6. 目前沒有光線追踪圖形選項。
7. 有些配音可能不太令人信服,而且有些煩人。 (如英文配音)


8/10。 (9/10 如果你是《生化奇兵》或《獵魂》粉絲。)

[TW]Sergeant Beanbag 8月25日 6時19分 
Thank U xue hua piao piao
[TW]Sergeant Beanbag 8月21日 21時17分 
No. But I sure love helping your family by paying random prostitute on the street.
Branded Swordsman 𒉭 8月21日 21時13分 
Do you love China?
理想鄉 3月16日 3時58分 
不客氣, 能幫上忙倒是挺高興的, 謝謝
Rem NL 2023年10月9日 0時04分 
This person has sold their brain for the motherland
[TW]Sergeant Beanbag 2023年8月10日 6時10分 