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39 din 73 (53%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

There Is Only War

Terminate 500 enemy targets in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 15 nov. 2017 la 14:23

Death from Above

Kill 20 enemies using Assault Jump in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 16 nov. 2017 la 9:49

Sweeping Advance

Kill an enemy who is retreating in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 22 iul. 2017 la 19:38

Welcome to Calderis

Complete "Stand With Your Brothers" and "Retake the Hamlet" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 14 sept. 2017 la 10:12

Rant All You Will

Complete "The True Enemy" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 15 nov. 2017 la 16:02

The Cleansing Begins

Complete "The Defense of Argus Gate" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 16 nov. 2017 la 10:39


Recover the data from the Astronomic Array in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 29 nov. 2017 la 15:35

Even In Death I Still Serve

Complete "Into the Hive" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 28 nov. 2017 la 18:33

Heroes of Angel Gate

Complete "Secrets of Angel Forge" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 28 nov. 2017 la 17:15

Fight to Survive

Complete campaign on Recruit difficulty in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 30 nov. 2017 la 11:26

Hold back the Xenos

Complete campaign on Sergeant difficulty in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 30 nov. 2017 la 11:26

Win the War

Complete campaign on Captain difficulty in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 19 sept. 2020 la 8:34

Allies to the Cause

Complete a mission in co-op mode in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 15 apr. 2020 la 15:27

Allies to the Chapter

Complete 15 missions in co-op in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 7 aug. 2022 la 12:53

Battle Brothers

Complete the campaign in co-op in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 19 aug. 2022 la 18:08

Dug In

Successfully defend 5 Strategic Assets in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 29 nov. 2017 la 17:17


Complete 10 missions in a row without failing in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 16 nov. 2017 la 10:39

Not one inch

Defend a province without losing a single generator in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 16 nov. 2017 la 9:55

Purge the Xenos

Earn a 5 star Fury rating in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 22 iul. 2017 la 20:25

Feel No Pain

Earn a 5 star Resilience rating in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 22 iul. 2017 la 20:25

Fleet of Foot

Earn a 5 star Speed rating in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 28 nov. 2017 la 18:33

The Book of Honor

Get 15 stars on one mission in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 14 aug. 2022 la 13:39

Fast Attack

Gain a second deployment in a single day in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 16 nov. 2017 la 10:39

Tireless warrior

Gain a third deployment in a single day in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 28 nov. 2017 la 12:29

Hero of the Imperium

Attain a campaign score of over 30,000 points in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests.
Obținută la 29 nov. 2017 la 17:17


Max out a Combat Discipline on a squad in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests.
Obținută la 28 nov. 2017 la 10:04

Heavy Support

Reach level 20 with one of your squads in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests.
Obținută la 29 nov. 2017 la 17:49

Red Ones Go Fastah!

Create a customized look for any race in the Army Painter in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 14 sept. 2017 la 9:43

Crush the Enemy

Complete campaign on Primarch difficulty in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 19 sept. 2020 la 8:34

The Warboss

Complete "Raid Against the Warboss" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 29 nov. 2017 la 18:12

The Avatar of Khaine

Complete "The Wailing Doom" in Dawn of War II.
Obținută la 17 sept. 2020 la 19:39

The Emperor's Justice

Defeat the Traitor Guardsmen on Aurelia in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 30 nov. 2017 la 12:38

The Enemy Exposed

Defeat the true enemy attacking Angel Forge in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 2 dec. 2017 la 10:59

The Challenge Answered

Answer the enemy commander's challenge on Aurelia in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 4 dec. 2017 la 19:54

Enemy of Chaos

Complete campaign on Recruit difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 20 dec. 2017 la 17:52

Conqueror of Chaos

Complete campaign on Sergeant difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 20 dec. 2017 la 17:52

Bane of Chaos

Complete campaign on Captain difficulty or harder in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 20 dec. 2017 la 17:52


Reach level 30 with any campaign squad in Chaos Rising. Not available to guests.
Obținută la 4 dec. 2017 la 13:09

Forbidden Knowledge

Unlock the dark secrets of "The Fate of Galan" in Chaos Rising.
Obținută la 4 dec. 2017 la 14:54

Emperor's Champion

Kill a boss using only your Force Commander in Dawn of War II.

Lightning Assassin

Kill a boss in less than one minute in Dawn of War II.

That's Close Enough

Complete a mission with only ranged weapons in Dawn of War II.

Rush 'em

Complete a mission under five minutes in Dawn of War II.


Attain a campaign score of over 90,000 points in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests.

In the name of the Emperor

Own all Strategic Assets in a campaign in Dawn of War II. Not applicable to guests.

Elite Strike Force

Create a 3 player party and play a ranked multiplayer game together in Dawn of War II.


Play 10 ranked multiplayer games in Dawn of War II.
0 / 10

Wisdom of the Ancients

View a recorded game in Dawn of War II.

Veteran Victor

100 ranked wins in Dawn of War II.
0 / 100

Aspect Warrior

20 online ranked games completed with Eldar in Dawn of War II.
0 / 20

Angel of Death

20 online ranked games played with Space Marines in Dawn of War II.
0 / 20

A proper Waaagh!

20 online ranked games completed with Orks in Dawn of War II.
0 / 20

Great Devourer

20 online ranked games completed with Tyranids in Dawn of War II.
0 / 20

Hail the Champion

Earn Champion rating 20 times during online ranked play in Dawn of War II.
0 / 20

Master of the Apothecarion

Revive your teammates 50 times during online ranked play in Dawn of War II.
0 / 50

Winning rush

Earn a 5 game win streak during online ranked play in Dawn of War II.

Flawless victory

Achieve an online ranked victory with 500 victory points remaining in Dawn of War II.

Chaos Lord

Play 20 ranked games using Chaos in Chaos Rising.
0 / 20

Blood God

Win a ranked game using only Khorne-themed units in Chaos Rising.

Plague Father

Win a ranked game using only Nurgle-themed units in Chaos Rising.

Bringer of Change

Win a ranked game using only Tzeentch-themed units in Chaos Rising.

Chaos Undivided

Win a ranked Team Battle with each Chaos hero on the team in Chaos Rising.

King of the Hill

Win 10 online Free for All matches in Chaos Rising.
0 / 10


Score 500,000 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising.


Reach level 20 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising.


Beat wave 20 in The Last Stand with the Hive Tyrant or Sorcerer in Chaos Rising.

End of Chaos

Complete campaign on Primarch difficulty in Chaos Rising.

Common Foe

Complete 1 Chaos Rising mission in co-op.

Duty is its own Reward

Complete 6 Chaos Rising missions as a GUEST in Co-Op.
0 / 6

Bad Example

Get any squad to maximum Corruption in Chaos Rising. Not available to guests.


Complete a mission on the Space Hulk with 4 Terminators in Chaos Rising.


Hold 5+ victory points at once in an online Free for All in Chaos Rising.

Taint Your Wagon

Destroy a Wartrukk with a Noxious Cloud during a ranked game in Chaos Rising.