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-> buy doom
-> play doom
-> love it so much it hurts
-> give up friends and family sothat you can find all the collectibles
-> replay it when you realize you missed one of the adorable dolls, and your pure manliness won't let you leave a man, no matter how small, behind
-> spend weeks on end trying to get through the game on Ultra-Nightmare
-> realize it's impossible unless you're literally Jesus
-> go into deep depression when your birth certificate says [INSERT NAME HERE] instead of Jesus, and you realize you can't beat the game on ultra-nightmare after all
-> put the game away for a month out of sheer sadness
-> rediscover it after watching a video of Alex Jones ranting about Hillary Clinton being a demon overlayed onto a Doom trailer
-> play through the game again, but this time on a higher difficulty
-> decide to think about what the game really means and be philosophical
-> realize that Doom Guy is literally commiting genocide
-> realize that maybe you're the bad guy
-> decide that must be wrong because Doom Guy is too badass to be evil
-> finally settle into a healthy, long lasting relationship with the game where you play it for only 20 hours a day, not 32 hours a day

I give it... three and a half shotguns out of two miniguns
Postat 22 martie 2018.
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It's like Subnautica on land and with significantly less fun. There's plenty of potential, but it has yet to live up to it.
Postat 29 ianuarie 2018.
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11.7 ore înregistrate (10.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This is a fun game. It starts out strong, (which is the reason I'm giving it a positive review) and is really challenging. However, after the first 30 or so levels, the developers ran out of ideas and start having everything rely on blind luck to succeed, and not actual thought and engineering prowess. The things you have to do get so insane, I've completed 4 out of the 10 or so worlds, and am one of the .41% of players to do so. what the actual heck.
Postat 12 august 2017.
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I never played this game before it was bought, and haven't experienced any issues that other people always say are there. Older players say it's ruined but never say why, and I don't think it's the case. so there's some cosmetics you have to pay for. big deal, this IS a free to play. it is an amazing and fun game with people still playing it and enjoying it. If you have friends, all the better. So pick up this free game and at least give it a chance. Maybe you'll engoy yourself. I know I am.
Postat 16 martie 2017. Editat ultima dată 16 martie 2017.
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30.6 ore înregistrate (9.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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This game captures everything that made the original half-life great, and improves upon it for a modern audience. Better graphics, physics, AI, sounds, everything. Not to mention that the multiplayer is fun as hell (if you can find a server with people.) Even if you've played half-life, play this game. you won't regret it. And if you have a friend that you want to get interested in the franchise, then no game will do a better job than Black Mesa.
Postat 20 decembrie 2016.
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14.3 ore înregistrate (11.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Don't let this game's age fool you. Most modern shooters can't even hold a candle to it's brilliance. From the excellent level design, to the exquisite AI, to the vastly entertaining selecting of weapons of mass destruction, Half-life will be one of the best games you ever play, no matter how old it may get.
Postat 23 noiembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 16 decembrie 2023.
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33.5 ore înregistrate (27.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Natural Selection 2 is by far the best multiplayer shooter I've ever played. Not only is it fun, but the lore and level design and animations and models and sounds and pretty much EVERYTHING is amazing. Plus, the aliens adn the marines are each pretty much a different game because of how different they are, rewarding different types of play. Oh, whats that? you like to shoot everything from behind cover? Then play marines. Want to sneak around and one shot people in a dark room by dropping from the ceiling? Play aliens. You won't be dissapointed.
Postat 22 noiembrie 2016.
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8.3 ore înregistrate (4.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Let me first start off by asking why, if full-dive VR exists in this world, DO PEOPLE USE FREAKING TEXT BASED TERMINAL STYLE GRAPHICS FOR EVERYTHING!!!???? ok. There. Just needed to get that out there. Anyway, the gameplay of SUPERHOT is by far it's strongest point. It is some of the best and most innovative gameplay I've ever seen, being that time only moves when you move, so you can litterally dodge bullets, shoot bullets out of the air, or cut them in half with swords. Also, the minimalistic graphics add to the gameplay of killing everything that is red, and picking up stuff that's black. However, SUPERHOT's upsides are undercut by it's downsides. The story is rather cliche and predictable, and the lore is nonexistant. And, in all honesty, lore and story is what makes a good game great, so the fact that both are just barely passable in some places and God-awful in others really destroy's this game's potential. Because of the fact that it attepmpts to have a serious story that is really, really bad, it ends up worse off than DOOM, which had practically no story in the original version. What I'm saying is, it's a fun game, but it's story can ruin it in some parts, so don't buy it for that.
Postat 12 noiembrie 2016.
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This game is... not AS good as the base game, but pretty dang close. The puzzles are amazing, the story is also great, and the philosophy is a modern take on "What does Athens have to do with Jeruselam", instead being "What does Reddit have to do with Jeruselam?" Most of the story is tod through forums and conversations on a little 'Mini-Internet' as I like to call it. And, in all honesty, the terminal writing and interaction and just the overall action of reading stuf on the terminals was much, much more enjoyable in this than in the base game. The only drawback is that it is much shorter, only a few hours long, and not, like, 15 the way the origional was. If you were a fan of the origional, though, this is DEFINATELY for you.
Postat 20 octombrie 2016.
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38.4 ore înregistrate (35.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This is, by far, the best survival game I have ever played. the combination of Tower defense, automation, survival, and exploration is exquisite. Not only that, but the sheer amount of replayability is staggering. Each playthrough is unique not just because of procedural generation, but also because each playthrough is a new chance to try new automation methods, new turret setups, design new power grids, etc. if you aren't very patient or don't like intellectual games, however, this may not be for you. The first play through will take a while, as it takes a while to learn everything, and creating massive mining and manufacturing operations is very difficult, even for a veteran Talos Principle player like myself. The game has a few flaws, such as the fact it is very taxing and creative mode is rather lacking, but other than that it is great. Heck, if you have any questions, you can ask the developer directly by tuning into his daily developement live streams on the Projector Games youtube channel. I give Fortresscraft Evolved a 9/10.
Postat 29 septembrie 2016.
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