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47.5 hrs on record (35.3 hrs at review time)
We need private servers for this game please. Me and my 4 other friends love this game!
Posted 7 June, 2023.
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96.4 hrs on record
Yes the story and the plot is very wild and complicated but if you can get over that it becomes extremely interesting. I found myself listening to every audio log in the game which is normally the absolute last thing I would want to do in a game.

The gameplay is incredible and immersive and often really makes you think. How will you plot you're next move, or what to will you bring into the battlefield. You feel vulnerable but powerful at the same time. I would say I wish there were more environments, and whilst the two main areas are good and have their diverse areas, I feel like we could have done with another one or two.

The game is also extremely nice to look at considering its age and runs really well too. FPS was capped at 60 but never dipped below that even places you would expect I.E. during lots of explosions.
Posted 25 October, 2022.
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138.2 hrs on record (107.1 hrs at review time)
Very much enjoyed this game however the story is too long and far too repetitive.
1. Something goes wrong and the gang is in trouble
2. Dutch insists he will get the gang out of this, they just need to put their faith in him
3. Things get slightly better
4. Repeat for 6 long chapters.

It is quite engaging though.

The missions aren't super exciting but I would say they are interesting and decently fun.

I will say the game is incredibly easy to immerse yourself in. You may come off your computer still pretending to be Arthur Morgan. The world is fantastic and feels extremely realistic even when over the top things are happening. The NPCs are very fun to interact with. The character customisation is very good and the way all of the game mechanics work are fantastic and you begin to interact with them fluidly quite quickly. The characters are also very good. Whilst for the most part they are just stereotypes they all work together really well and you do get engaged by almost all of them. Really fun to play when the game is over as well, or when you're not doing missions.

I wouldn't bother with the Multiplayer.
Posted 25 October, 2022.
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459.7 hrs on record (450.6 hrs at review time)
One of the most iconic multiplayer shooters of all time. Unfortunately it has dropped off over the years with item-bloat and countless hackers. But still fun to hop onto a pub payload game. 10/10 would recommend again.
Posted 25 October, 2022.
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659.3 hrs on record (651.4 hrs at review time)
Rust is very hard but very fun with friends. You WILL be killed by try-hards with thousands of hours and have your based completely ransacked whilst you're not online. But if you ever get angry, just go on a low pop x100 server and build the mega-base of your dreams. Lots of good memories
Posted 25 October, 2022.
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58.8 hrs on record (47.1 hrs at review time)
man likes driving cool car in UK. well good bruv
Posted 25 October, 2022.
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41.1 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It kinda looks like ♥♥♥♥ and seems a bit janky, but it's fun with mates, just piss about and hunt some ghoosts
Posted 26 November, 2020.
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535.4 hrs on record (492.2 hrs at review time)
"If It's not fun, why bother?"
Posted 13 June, 2019.
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361.4 hrs on record (190.9 hrs at review time)
Online is pay to win ♥♥♥♥♥, it really bogs down what is a great single player. For me I treat the online like a post-game. Which is a shame because it's really ruined by hackers and pay-to-win players, there's so much content practically locked behind pay/grind walls its terrible.
Posted 9 May, 2019.
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200.1 hrs on record (180.4 hrs at review time)
Not joking, I genuinely can't reccomend buying this game.

As a fanatic of competetive multi-player shooters, this game is the antethesis of what I enjoy in games. [DISCLAIMER] If you consider yourself a casual gamer and dont care about playing to win... getting this game and playing with a few friends can be good fun. But honestly, for tryhard kiddies like myself this game is painful.

My main problem with the game is the sheer ammount of randomness. Sometimes you can get so unlucky, and just have all of the odds stacked against you, and its not challening, its just unfair.

Don't worry, I fully understand that this is the nature of battle royal games. But when it's your first game of the day, you and you're friend drop somewhere secluded with a couple of buildings, and another duo does the same thing as you, except your building has a smoke grenade in it and theirs has an assault rifle and level 2 armour, and you meet outside as you get gunned down. You begin to question why you even bother.

Even if your game doesn't end within seconds of landing, you have to be worried about scurrying around the map and collecting dozens of frustrating and specific items, that unless you want to take disadvantagous fights against better-off players, there are few ways to avoid this.

If you want to feel some form of comfort when running around in the desolate maps of PUBG then you have to collect:

-A fully automatic gun (SMGs are just as useful as ARs for some reason)
-Compensater for your primary (Most guns are extremly frustrating to control)
-An actually useful foregrip for your primary (same reason)
-Possibly even a stock
-A red-dot sight for really close range. Ironsights and holos are awful also hey, wanna be sure? take your pick 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x?? You literally have no idea what range engagments you'll get into, all could be useful? Oh yeah, recoil is also unbearable most of the time with 3x upwards.

-Get a a DMR or a SR
-Extended mag
-Probably a Cheekpad
-4x, 6x, 8x, it's kinda lucky to get any of these to be honest, they're always rarer that the closer range ones it seems.

Hey this is fun right? Enjoying the game, gotta remember this list everytime you drop. Want a bolt action SR? They use 7.62 ammo. Wanna use a bareable AR? That uses 5.56. Thats two separate types of ammo you have to find and carry. Speaking of carrying. A level 1 backpack wont carry everything you need, better add a level 2 to that list at least.

Need meds incase you survive a fight. Better carry multiple first-aid kits, maybe some bandages, boosters, got painkillers, energy drinks, adreneline. Hope you like INVENTORY MANAGMENT, cause you'll be doing it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ constantly. Picking ♥♥♥♥ up is super unreliable, so its easier to do it in the inventory screen.

Lets talk about armor. L1 is only useful against pistols and shotguns, it is worthless aginst Rifles and SMGs. If you get caught off-guard with L2, you're probably ♥♥♥♥♥♥, unlike L3. If you have a fair gunfight with L2, you'll end it probably needing a new set, which you wont get off another player because you'll have to kill them for it, which would get it damaged.

I also dont really understand the balancing in this game, it seems like it takes ages to kill someone with a L3 vest with an AR but a Vector can literally shred one up in less than a second at close range? The best vest in the game gets trumped buy a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SMG.

L1 and L2 helmets are basically the same when it comes to SRs btw. If a Bolt-Action doesn't kill you with a headshot to your L2, then it'll destroy it. Making you vulnerable to a 1 shot from practically every gun in the game. Your L2 helmet could get taken off you at anytime from miles away, and you would have practically no counter or prevention to this.

*Cough Cough* INSERT L3 HELMET

The only armour in the game exlusive to air-drops, and also garrunteed in every single one.

There is only one item in the game capable of one-shotting a player with the L3 helmet, and that is ALSO FOUND IN THE AIR-DROPS. It also mitigates 55% of the damage done to the players head. (It would take 3 direct shots to the head with an AR to kill someone with this helmet) The only way to have a fair fight here is to also have L3 gear.

If you dont want to give yourself away by driving into the next zone on the map. Get ready to become an olympic-tier marathon runner. You will spend 95% of your games, running through feilds to get to the next zone. Its just awful, really, its so boring.

The red-zone (bombs) are litterally pointless too. If it spawns on top of you whilst you're in a gunfight, healing, or running through a field. Congrats, if you die to this its 100% your fault, and you deserved to have your game ended, promise ;)

TL:DR this game is boring and unfair and RNG ridden, so don't bother looking for a competetive experiance.
Posted 28 May, 2018. Last edited 1 October, 2018.
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